Chapter Thirty-One

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The living room is filled with books from Daphne's magical collection

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The living room is filled with books from Daphne's magical collection. She is trying to find a way to undo whatever the hell Bonnie screwed up trying to get rid of Vicki. Magic shouldn't be that hard. She shouldn't be able to screw up this monumentally with one spell. Someone is then hammering on the front door. Daphne stands from the floor with a groan, stretching out the muscles in her legs. She almost goes tumbling as she heads towards the door when Padfoot darts in front of her.

"Seriously?" She complains as she manages to catch herself. "Padfoot" She scolds, Padfoot barks and hurries after Tinker who stands in the kitchen doorway, chuckling to herself, crouching to greet him. Daphne lets out an annoyed breath and then moves to the door where whoever it is, is still knocking. She opens the door with a frown and then gives Damon a look, finding him standing on the other side. He lets out a breath.

"Pick up your damn phone, Sabrina" He scolds her as he leans in the doorway.

"Did you run here?" She asks him, he gives her another look. "What happened?" She then narrows her eyes at something behind him. "And why do you have a ghost tethered to you?" The ghost there raises an eyebrow at her.

"And that answer that question" Damon mumbles and leans up, glancing behind him. "I was tied up, impaled and almost set on fire" He explains as he turns back to Daphne.

"Oh, sounds like you had a party without me" She teases a little. He smirks and shakes his head. "I think Bonnie screwed up the spell she used to stop Vicki's physical foothold here " She offers, he tilts his head in question. "You're not the only one with ghost issues this morning"

"Oh, you're..." Damon then pauses. "Good ghost or bad, wants to murder you, ghost?" She smirks.

"Ghosts of parents long-dead" She offers as she glances at Padfoot now curled up on the couch. The hound gives her a look before it is Sirius that now sits on her couch.

"Who's this boy?" Sirius asks as he glares at Damon. Daphne lets out an annoyed breath. Damon glances at her and then around the room.

"Are they here right now?" He asks her, she hums and nods. He can see that her parents being here is really bothering her. He supposes it would him too. Especially ones that died before any memories could have been formed. The first time she's actually meeting her parents and they're ghosts.

"This is Damon" She offers to Sirius and Tinker. "He's a vampire....and my friend..."

"Aww, we're friends?" Damon teases and she turns a look on him. She is really not in the mood today. Damon holds up his hand, seemingly understanding that with her parents' ghosts around she is in a bad mood. He closes the door behind himself and watches as Daphne sits on the floor in front of a huge pile of books. "What's with all the books?" He asks.

"Looking for a spell" She answers as she shifts through the books. "Try and fix what Bonnie broke"

"Did you find anything?" He asks, shrugging out of his jacket before sitting next to her on the floor.

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