Chapter One Hundred and Six

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Outside of Grimmauld place, Daphne kneels in the garden, her fingers clutching to one of Regulus' shirts. She didn't know what else to pick out for Kreacher. She just wanted to give him something. She sniffles and lets out a shaky breath before she sets it down into the hole that Damon dug. She could have done it by magic, they both knew it, but he wanted to do something to help her. Now, he and Jeremy are both standing close by but far enough away to give her the space she needs for this moment. Neither of them knew Kreacher the way she did. Neither of them was connected to him in the way that she was. And it must be harder for her, it's one more link to her family that is gone. One more link lost. Damon frowns a little when he hears footsteps in the house. Damon turns to find Hermione leaving the house, followed by a red-headed man, holding to Hermione's hand. Behind them, another redhead, only this time a woman, with a spectacle-wearing man. Damon has seen these people in photos. They are close to Daphne even if he doesn't have names to put with faces. And lastly through is a white-haired girl, probably closer to Daphne's age than the age of the others. The white-haired girl rushes straight for Daphne, kneeling at her side and pulling her into a tight hug. Daphne appears momentarily shocked by the affection, and the appearance of the girl but she does hug her back, looking over her shoulder at the others. Surprised that they came. She didn't know how to tell them, she hadn't even told them yet. They stay like that for a while, Daphne just being held by the girl. But once she is ready, Daphne pulls away from her and gives her a warm smile. Something that Damon has only ever seen her give Hermione, Elena and Jeremy, and maybe he can count himself too. Whoever this girl is, they are practically family. Daphne stands, with some help from her friend, before she turns to the others. She is surprised to find Harry standing there with Ron, Hermione and Ginny. This was not what she was expecting, but she is glad for it. As much as she adores Damon and Jeremy, they don't understand. Harry moves closer to her first, wanting to comfort her as much as he can.

"Harry" She whispers and lets him hug her, stroking her hair as he whispers soft words of loss and grief and comfort. "You didn't have to come"

"Yes, we did" Ron assures her and she smiles sadly at him. She pulls back from Harry and rubs at her eyes. Harry raises an eyebrow at her and then gives a sly look at Jeremy and Damon. She chuckles weakly knowing he wants introductions.

"Jeremy, my brother" She points out to Harry who nods and smiles a little at Jeremy who lifts his hand in a wave. He's heard a lot about him over the years. About both of them. "And urm...Damon" Harry turns a small smirk on Daphne who rolls her eyes.

"So you took our advice?" He whispers to her and she nudges him to shut him up knowing that no matter how quiet Harry thinks he is being, Damon can hear him.

"Harry" She introduces as she turns to Damon and Jeremy. "My godfather" Damon nods a little. "His wife, Ginny..." Ginny loops her arm with Harry's. "You know Hermione" Hermione waves at Jeremy and Damon, Jeremy waving back. "And her husband...Ron" She then turns to the girl at her side. "This is Lyra" She introduces softly. Glad to have her best friend at her side at this very moment. Lyra holds Daphne's hand and smiles up at her. "How did you even..." Daphne starts.

"Thanks to the house-elf registration and protection act" Hermione admits. "Kreacher volunteered to be registered when it passed....and when...when it happened, we were notified. I'm so sorry, Daphne" Hermione strokes Daphne's cheek softly removing the tears there.

"He was old" Daphne argues a little. "It was....going to happen eventually" Hermione steps closer to her, curling her hand around Daphne's cheek.

"He was family" Hermione reminds her. "And losing family is always's okay to be upset" Daphne sniffles and nods before she shakes her head.

"I don't have time to be....upset" She admits quietly. "I have things to do. Originals to deal with and Buckbeak now...."

"Don't worry about Buckbeak" Harry assures her.

"Actually, we'd already talked about it" Ron admits. "In case anything happened...or if you wanted to...move on from the house" She frowns a little. "My mom said she'll take him, the Burrow has the land and he can roam about and with the kids visiting all the time, he'll have company and she'll have help"

"And Mrs Weasley is okay with that?" Daphne asks, Ron nods and gives her a reassuring smile. They talked about it, at length. Harry wanted to take Buckbeak with him, but with his job and the kids, it was too much of an ask. Molly has the space, the time, and the temperament to look after an ageing Buckbeak. Daphne couldn't hope for a better retirement for him. It's just going to be hard to say goodbye to him. After he goes, there will be nothing left at this house for her. No one waiting for her. That just adds to the sadness of this day. To think that they will be nothing left. Damon shifts closer to Daphne as she pulls her sleeves down her hands with a shaky breath. He touches her arm.

"Are you okay?" Damon asks her and she nods. Though they both know that she isn't.

"Yeah" She whispers to him and tries to give him a smile, but today is not really a day for it.

"We can leave the ghost thing....." He assures her but she shakes her head. She wants something to focus on. Something to take her mind off of everything else. She wants to do this today. Especially with Kol still out there. How long until he tracks them to this street? He might not be able to get into the house, but he can linger and they will have to go out there to get back to the portkey. It is best to deal with this now. Before he has time to find them. She touches Damon's cheek and then heads inside the house. Jeremy's worried eyes follow her.

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