Chapter Sixty-Six

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Abby, Bonnie and Daphne are walking through the secret Lockwood caves. Daphne leads the way towards the cave in which the old etchings were found. It was the only place Damon could think of that would be safe for the locked coffin. Daphne holds up her wand, the tip lit up to illuminate the tunnels around them. Abby moves to the coffin in the middle of the cavern ahead of them.
"That's the one that's sealed?" Abby asks, Daphne nods.

"Yep. Fortunately, it seems to be the one he cares about most" She offers as she lifts up her empty hand and waves it. A number of candles all around the cavern light up. Daphne lowers her wand. "Nox" The light goes out and she slides the wand back into her sleeve. "Because vampires can't get in. You should be safe from Klaus and his hybrids in here..."

"How did Damon get the coffin in?" Bonnie asks.

"He compelled a couple of Lockwood gardeners" Daphne checks her phone when it pings. Texts from both Elena and Damon. Elena's talks of a Gilbert weapon being used to kill the medical examiner. Which is unfortunate. Damon's text is about Elijah. He seems to be on board. Which is a good thing. That was what they wanted. For him to be on their side. To work with them to get rid of Klaus. Abby and Bonnie go about making themselves comfortable in the cave, it will likely be home until they get that coffin open. Just in case Klaus is looking for them or his hybrids or whatever. They'll be safest in the cave. "Do you want me to pick up anything?" Daphne asks them. "Snacks? Books?"

"No, I think we're okay" Bonnie assures her. "But I'll text..." Daphne nods, Abby turns and frowns.

"You're not staying?" She asks.

"No" Daphne answers. "I want to check in on Elena after the whole medical examiner murder thing and then go back to working on Stefan, but you two can do this" She adds and smiles at Bonnie. "You are two badass Bennett witches..." Abby goes to argue. "You're just having performance issues...happens to the best of us" Bonnie smirks a little. Daphne winks and then apparates away.

"I was always told that ancient witches were stuck up and closed off" Abby comments. "But she's..."

"Yeah, Daph's special" Bonnie offers and then turns to look around the room.

"Did she go to Ilvermorny?" Abby asks, Bonnie turns to her with a frown.

"What?" Bonnie counters.

"It's where your Grams attended" Abby admits. "She was very proud of it"

"Grams was an ancient witch?"

"Till she changed sides" Abby answers. "MACUSA snapped her wand and she wasn't allowed to practice their magic anymore..." Bonnie frowns. "She got caught tapping into her traditional magic...they don't like that"

"Who is MACUSA?" Bonnie asks, Abby gives her a look.

"Has your witch friend not told you anything?"

"Daph's only been back for about four months" Bonnie defends. "And we've been very busy....and no, she went to some school in the UK, Scotland I think"

"Hogwarts?" Abby asks, Bonnie hums.

"Yeah, her birth parents were British so she was invited there....her real name is...Remy Black, apparently it's a very old family...."

"Wait, she's the daughter of Sirius Black?" Abby asks. "Infamous British wizard, who killed all those muggles during the First Wizarding War?" Bonnie stares at her and then sighs, remembering the way Daphne reacted with Damon over the same thing.

"He didn't do it" Bonnie defends her friend.

"Wow" Abby whispers and snorts. "Miranda was raising a Black..." She turns thoughtful. "I wonder if they gave her up because of you-know-who"

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