Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Note: So I have been thinking about what a lot of you wanted to see as a final pairing for Elena, now it will be a long way off (I would maybe try and work it into seasons 7 & 8 with Nina's absence, instead of her coma thing. I know it would change a few things) but maybe Elena's final pairing could be a classmate of Daphne's. I know a few of you mentioned a witch as her lover. I also thought that it could be Draco's much younger sister. Like born the same year as Daphne. So they'll be about the same age (Draco would be 13 years older). Sticking with the constellation connection in the Malfoy and Black lines, name: Lyra Malfoy. Emilia Clarke face claim. Dragonologist (Obviously). Basically Daph's best friend from school. Would probably bring her in during season 5 or 6 to get that link started, then she and Elena would be off travelling together or looking for dragons or something in season 7 and 8.

- I did post a question on my wall about smells

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- I did post a question on my wall about smells. Specifically, I am looking at smells for Amortentia. Mostly because I would like to do a scene where they each smell it. For Daphne, she'd smell bourbon, old leather, and firewood (For Damon). Damon would likely smell white roses, cinnamon and peaty whiskey (for Daphne). Stefan would smell things associated with Caroline (Floral perfume, strawberry lip gloss, and apple pie) and not Elena, and Caroline would smell things associated with Stefan (Hair gel/spray, forest moss, motor oil) (Or even Klaus) Elena would then smell things associated with Lyra and vice versa (Violets, honey, and books/Smoke, parchment, and the outdoors (like a foggy autumnal crisp smell))

- I would also like for them to go to London at some point. I'm not sure it would work but maybe when they are investigating the sire bond, instead of Charlotte being in New Orleans, she can be in London, not sure how to work around Stefan's whole pre-deployment meet of Damon in the 40s though. Don't think American soldiers would have deployed from England. 


Daphne rummages around in her 'magic' bag, as Elena is now calling it, as she searches for the right salve here. She doesn't want to get mixed up with something that's going to make it worse. Elena paces a little, the two of them in the Salvatore living room. It doesn't make her feel as good as it should, being in the same house as Stefan right now. Daphne finds the pot labelled Burn-Healing Paste and pulls it out of her bag before turning to Elena.

"Sit, sit" Elena sits on the edge of the couch as Daphne crouches in front of her, unscrewing the lid of the little pot and drags her fingers through it. "Gimme" Daphne motions for Elena's hand, which is handed over. Daphne then smears the orange paste over the burn on Elena's hand. "I'll wrap it in a bandage and you can wash it off in the morning" Elena looks at Daphne softly and nods.

"Thanks, Daph," Elena tells her warmly. Daphne hums in acknowledgement as she concentrates on covering the burn. Damon leans in the doorway watching them together. He's noted a difference in Elena since Daphne's returned. A level of reassurance, safety, and care that she was lacking before. Elena simply feels safer with Daphne around. Because Daphne is the one person Elena trusts with every fibre of her being. The only one she can rely on to have her back. Daphne sets the pot down next to her foot before she pulls out her wand, drawing it over Elena's hand.

"Ferula" She casts and bandages magically appear from the top of the wand and wrap around Elena's hand. "How's that?"

"Perfect," Elena assures her. The two of them share a look and Elena nods. This is great. Having her around, and being capable of helping them. Everyone will be better off with Daphne around. Not just because of the magic. But because Daphne is...Daphne. She just makes people feel better. She's sarcastic and teasing but it works. It makes people relax and feel comforted. "I'm going to grab my jacket" Elena offers as she stands. "Then we can go home" Daphne nods in agreement as she twists the lid back onto the pot and stands with it. Damon watches Elena leave before he steps into the room to join Daphne. Daphne lets out a breath, is aware that he's there. Can feel him there.

"You played your part of the plan really well tonight," Daphne tells Damon as she slides the little pot back into her bag. He glances at her, aware that she appears to be keeping her eyes from him.

"Oh, yeah?" He asks, she hums and nods.

"You had Rebekah drooling all over you and your marshmallows" She comments and wrinkles her nose. That feeling is back. That dumb ass jealousy. She hates it. She really does. She doesn't like feeling this way, not about some guy she barely knows and basically just met.

"Yeah, before she skewered me" He moves closer to her, watching her face. It's kind of adorable that she's feeling that way. The twitch in her jaw. The bite to her tone. It's different from their usual tones. But he doesn't hate that she's showing that she is interested in him. Even if it is through jealousy. "You know...I heard you and Stefan" He admits, she lets out a breath and then hangs her head a little.

"I lied" She admits.

"And I was faking it" He counters. She looks at him. "With her" He adds, just to make sure that she understands that with Rebekah it was fake. The two of them sharing a look. They both know what that means. What each of those statements announces. He touches her face, curling his hand around her cheek. Eyes searching hers. He leans in closer till she can feel the warmth of his breath on her lips and her eyes drift closed. It wouldn't take much. Just a second. Just a little closer. But Elena returns, disrupting them. Daphne looks down and away from Damon who closes his eyes. Aware that the second Elena sets foot back into the room, the moment was gone. Elena inwardly cringes when she realises what she's got in the way of.

"Ready to go?" Elena asks weakly, apologetically, because she knows there is no getting a moment back after it's been ruined.

"Yeah" Daphne whispers and steps back from Damon, his hand dropping from her face to hang at his side. Daphne moves to Elena and the two sisters leave the room together.


Elena and Daphne make their way towards the front door. Both wanting to leave. To go home. To bundle up in front of the television and do nothing. Just for one night. Just for tonight. Then they can worry about everything else tomorrow. Elena looks at Daphne and then away before she looks back at her. Daphne sighs.

"Out with it" Daphne pushes.

"It's okay if you want to..." Elena starts, but Daphne gives her a look. "With Damon" Elena adds. Daphne just shakes her head. Because it's not okay. In the moment, she can fall into it, she can let it get to her. But with thought, she knows what a terrible idea it is. Before they can leave, Stefan appears from a side room.

"Well you got me tonight," Stefan tells Daphne who folds her arms over her chest. "Definitely wasn't expecting that"

"That was the point" Daphne counters with a sly smirk.

"Yeah" Stefan offers. "You know, you can hate it all you want, but Elena needs me." Daphne scoffs and rolls her eyes. "I'll always protect her. I think you're both better off having me around" Elena ushers Daphne to go to the door, she just wants to go home. She doesn't want either of them to have to deal with Stefan. And the longer they are here, the higher the risk to Daphne, because she will say something to antagonise him. Daphne tugs on her jacket and moves to leave, Elena goes to follow her but Stefan stops her. "Elena, wait. You could have let me die in that fire tonight. Why didn't you?"

"Because I still have hope" Elena answers.

"After everything I've done, you...You still think I'll be able to find my humanity again"

"Yes, I do. I know who you really are better than anyone, Stefan. And I'm not giving up"

"Elena, do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?" Stefan asks her, mocking her. Elena clenches her jaw and then shakes her head.

"No, Stefan, it makes me strong" Elena argues and then she punches his stomach, driving two stakes into it with the compressed stake sleeve. Daphne looks at Stefan, smirks as Elena passes her.

"Oh snap" Daphne teases and closes the door before them.

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