Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Damon groans, laying on wet ground. It's dark wherever they are. Wherever they have landed. And it's cold and damp. That was not a fun trip. His whole body feels like it's been scrunched up and then rung out, then left to dry on the line during a hurricane. Daphne's suddenly there, hovering over him with an amused look on her face. She and Bonnie are the only ones that have managed to keep to their feet after the journey. She smirks at him.

"You okay, slugger?" She teases him as she helps him up.

"Yeah" He grumbles and then lets out a breath. He's not sure about the answer. He still feels really weird.

"It takes some people a while" She offers as she releases him, but keeps a hand close by in case he goes over. He takes a deep breath and then nods. He's fine. He is going to stay on his feet. Bonnie is leaning on the metal boundary fence of the small park they've arrived in. Her eyes are locked onto the row of houses across the street.

"What number did you say it was?" Bonnie asks.

"12" Daphne answers as moves on and pulls Jeremy up.

"Urm..." Bonnie starts but Daphne chuckles, already knowing what Bonnie has made note of. There is a house missing between numbers 11 and 13. 

"It's fine, you'll see...." She moves past them and pulls out her wand as she opens the gate and then crosses to the centre of the road, followed by her friends. As she does, the whole street begins to shake around them.

"Daph?" Jeremy starts but then stops when the buildings begin to move, shifting apart, making room for number twelve.

"Anti-muggle security measures" Daphne offers. "Also anti-wizards...and pretty much anything else....." She takes a deep breath and then heads towards number twelve as it settles into place. The last of the bricks snap into place. She heads up the steps to the front door and turns the handle, opening it up and heading inside, Jeremy looks up at the house before he is following her in.

"Wow," Bonnie whispers, in awe. She has seen a lot of magic since she came into her own, but this is something else. This is huge scale magic. She's starting to feel like she missed out because she's not the right type of witch.


The inside doesn't really leave the same impressive impression as the outside does. It looks like it hasn't been decorated in some time. The wallpaper is faded and peeling. There are damp patches and cobwebs. The carpet has been worn through to the floorboards beneath. It gives off a cold atmosphere. Damon wrinkles his nose a little. His sense of smell picks up all sorts of things. Age. Dust. Stale smoke. Candles.

"Who's there?!" A voice comes from the wall, Damon pulls a face and turns to look at the curtains on the wall, it's such a strange place to put curtains. He tries to peer around the side of them but he can't make anything out. Daphne takes jackets from the others behind him and hangs them up on the coat hanger. Damon turns back to the curtains and reaches up to open them. Daphne is suddenly at his side, she grabs his wrist to stop him.

"Trust me, you don't want to do that" She whispers to him, he frowns.

"Why? What's behind it?" He asks her.

"Nothing you want to see" She answers and then releases him, moving on. Damon glances back at the covered portrait before he opens the curtains on it. The feature of the portrait is an older woman dressed in black. She stirs instantly, staring at them before she starts to scream. Bonnie, Jeremy, and Elena reach up to cover their ears. Daphne gives Damon a look and he cringes knowing that she was right about this.

"Sorry" He offers. She lets out a breath and turns to the portrait. Walburga is looking directly at Daphne now.

"Stain of dishonour, dirty half-breed...." Walburga has never taken to Daphne being here, and from the stories, she never liked Tink either. Of course, she wouldn't. Not with her wanting to keep the bloodline pure. Daphne walks away from the portrait, leading the others onward. Elena passes the portrait first with Jeremy. "Filthy muggles"

"Just ignore her" Daphne whispers.

"Who is that?" Jeremy asks.

"My grandmother" She admits sadly. "Walburga Black"

"She's horrible" Bonnie voices, Daphne hums in agreement. "Why don't you just move the portrait?"

"Can't...." She argues. "Permanent sticking charm on the back of the canvas"

"Daph" Bonnie starts. "Why is she so mean to you? Does she know that you're her granddaughter?"

"She's a purist" Daphne answers. "Like her wizards and witch to be pure-blooded....and her family blood incestuous" They give her a look. "She married her second cousin, she believes that it keeps the bloodlines pure and unstained...." She shrugs a little. "She didn't even get along with my dad either, he wasn't sorted into the right house at school, he didn't follow their beliefs, he ran away. Then he fell in love with Tink" She looks at them. "Walburga's been like that since I was 11, I'm used to it" Bonnie and Elena share a sad look. It's kind of unfair that her own grandmother talks to her like that. Even if it is just some portrait. "Kreacher!?" She shouts into the house, ignoring Walburga's abuse from behind them. "Are you here?"

"Coming, Mistress" A voice from above replies.

"Mistress?" Damon muses, Daphne glances at him and then up the stairs.

"We'll be in the kitchen, Kreacher, don't rush" She shouts up and leads them through the hallway. "He's getting on in years" She offers. "In his 600s or something, slower than he was twenty years ago"

"And who is he?" Bonnie asks.

"He's the house-elf, he looks after the place, keeps it clean and whatever" Damon looks around and pulls a face. "But like I said" Daphne defends, reading his expression, she knows the house is falling apart. That it needs help. "He's getting old" She offers and then pushes open a door at the far end of the hallway before heading down some stone steps.

(1) The Phoenix (D. Salvatore)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum