Chapter Eight-Two

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The flames around the pentagram at the old witch house flicker as Daphne steps into the chalked area, they are reacting to her presence, but she's really hoping that Esther doesn't notice or sense her. She's not powerful enough to take on that woman. In the astral plane she can see the levels of magic around her and she does not want to get involved with her right now. She's focusing on staying in the plane and not snapping back into her body, or worse, getting stuck. She walks around Finn who stands in the centre of the pentagram. She doesn't know much about him. She glances at Esther who lets out a breath, staring off into the trees. Daphne can't risk trying to read their minds. Esther already sensed her doing that once, if she did it here and now, she'll know for sure that Daphne's up to something.

"They're coming, Mother" Finn points out as something rustles deep in the trees.

"No, it's too soon, the moon is not high enough" Esther then turns to Bonnie and Abby. "Go! Quickly!" Bonnie and Abby retreat into the house. Daphne lets out a breath and glances at Esther, then beyond her as Kol, Elijah, and Klaus walk towards her. They have her distracted. Now would be as good a time as any to sever the cord.


Inside the house, Daphne follows Abby and Bonnie, they are taking it slow but still with a hurried presence to them. Daphne is taking it slow too. She doesn't really want to do this. She doesn't want to cut a witch off from their magic. It's fundamentally against everything she should stand for. But there were no other options that she could see.

"This place has some serious vibe in it" Abby admits as she glances around.

"The witch spirits will protect us from the Originals, but we should get into the basement" Bonnie walks down into the basement and Daphne uses this moment to strike, she hurries forward, stepping between Abby and the stairs. Daphne holds her hands up, standing in front of Abby, chanting softly under her breath as she concentrates on the threads around them. She has to severe the right one. She hates that she is doing this to another witch, but the other options weren't agreeable to her. She wasn't all for turning one of them into a vampire. She wasn't all for killing them. She wasn't for letting Esther win and doom Elena to death. Doing this is the only outcome she can live with.

"I'm sorry" She whispers and then snaps her hand down, grabbing a thread of magic. She turns her free hand and manifests a pair of scissors. She takes a deep breath and lowers the scissors to the thread of magic. "I'm really sorry" She slides the scissors over the thread and then closes her eyes. Counts to three in her mind, slowly before she cuts. The thread disintegrates in her hand, the line disappearing from Abby. There is a shift in the air as her magic vanishes from her. Esther can no longer channel her. Daphne has done exactly what Elijah asked of her. She held up her end of the bargain. She turns hearing footsteps as Bonnie hurries back to check on her mother, Daphne releases her hold on Abby who collapses to the floor. Daphne cringes a little hearing the thud, that was unintentional.

"Abby!" Bonnie rushes to her mother and kneels at her side. Daphne's eyes sadden, but she knows she did the right thing here. She takes a deep breath and then concentrates on going back to her body.


At the Salvatore Boarding house, Daphne gasps as she snaps back into her body. Her arms flailing around as she attempts to re-orientate herself. Damon is suddenly there, grabbing her arms to calm her down. His hands-on her face and then her neck as her eyes flicker around, unfocused and dazed. It takes a while to get realigned with herself. Damon leans forward and presses his forehead to hers.

"You're okay" He assures her and then pulls her into his chest. Her fingers grab to the back of his leather jacket and she presses her head to his chest.

"Elena?" She asks, he nods and strokes his fingers through her hair.

"Stefan's gone to get her" Damon promises her as he closes his eyes and presses his head to the side of hers. She suddenly seems to sink, limp against him. Instant panic rushes through him. "Hey, hey, hey" He pushes at her shoulder to look at her face but she's asleep. Fast asleep. Completely spent. He lets out a relieved breath and lets her rest against him again. Damon then stands, pulling Daphne up with him and into his arms, letting her head lull against his shoulder and neck as she sleeps. They've asked a lot of her since she came back to town. A lot. Thrown right in at the deep end of supernatural drama.

"Where are we going?" Daphne asks as she wakes, he glances down at her and then back to the stairs as he approaches them. Doesn't want to trip and fling her down the stairs. That would be embarrassing.

"I'm taking you to bed" He answers, she snorts.

"Yeah, bet you are, Perv-ula" She teases weakly and he smirks, looks down at her as she clutches at his shirt.

"Yeah, we're going to be at it all night" He counters, she smiles a little. "It's going to be the best you've ever had it" He continues as he carries her up the stairs. "Solid 12 hours...." She hums along with him. They both know he is talking about sleep here. She needs to sleep.

"Thanks" She whispers, he frowns a little and looks down at her. "For looking out for me"

"Yeah...always" He assures her, she smiles and nods, settling against his chest and shoulder again, already drifting back to sleep.

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