Chapter Forty-Five

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A/N So at the end of this book, this season, I will put up a chapter with questions for future plots, including the vampire thing, that will give you all a chance to see Daphne's development through to the end of season 3, her relationship with Damon and stuff. Like I said, it was just an idea and it isn't a set thing. It was just something I was musing over. But putting the final thing in one page at the end gives more time to ponder and stuff. 


Elena sits in a booth with Daphne. Just the two of them. Although Damon is drinking at the bar. Klaus has moved on. He wasn't getting the reaction he wanted, and with Daphne here he seemed to have thought better of it. Damon on the other hand, keeps watching over them, despite Klaus leaving. That's what he's telling himself anyway. He wants answers. He wants a real explanation. She looks tired. Maybe this is affecting her as much as it is him. Good. It means he's not the only one that is invested. He just doesn't understand why this is happening. Daphne leans back in the booth and yawns, pressing the back of her hand to her mouth. She is tired. She hasn't slept since she left the boarding house. She hasn't eaten either. She's going to have to do something about that soon. But right now, she needs to focus on Elena as she talks.

"He lost his job. He...plagiarised his school work" Elena offers, talking about Jeremy. Daphne stares at her, waiting for more. That's not really cause for too much concern. It's two things. Two human things. Normal things. They should be celebrating this not worrying about it.

"That's it?"

"What do you mean 'that's it'?" Elena asks. "Isn't that enough? He's spiralling..."

"Elena, he's an orphaned teenager in a town infested with the supernatural, he can see the dead" Daphne lists off. "He ghost cheated on his witch girlfriend who then rightfully broke up with him, our family has been traumatised, killed, stalked and/or..tortured by a hybrid freak, the people that you guys grew up with are either dead or somehow now supernatural beings, and let's not even start on everything I wasn't here for...How is he supposed to be, exactly?" She asks, Elena opens her mouth and then closes it again because she doesn't know. "Losing his job, a little bit of copy and paste...I think that's pretty normal, and we should be glad he's not....running naked with werewolves or something" Elena smiles a little. "We keep an eye on him, and if it gets worse...then we step in"

"So you don't think we should talk to him?" Elena asks.

"You'll just push him further away" Daphne answers. "Look at our lives, Elena, I'll take cheating on schoolwork and skipping a few work shifts over anything else"

"Yeah" Elena whispers. She can understand what Daphne is getting at. They should be more grateful, considering things. Considering everything going on around them.

"Do you still want to talk to him?" Daphne asks, Elena glances at her, finds Daphne raising a knowing eyebrow.

"A little" Elena answers.

"Do you want me to do it?" Elena nods a little. Daphne would be better at talking with Jeremy. "Okay, look, I have to get back to make sure that spell hasn't burnt down the house, but...I'll talk to him" She stands from the booth, stumbling slightly as she is hit with a wave of dizziness.

"Daph?" Elena asks, moving to help her. "You need to sleep and eat" She scolds a little. Daphne hums in agreement.

"I will" She assures Elena. "Later" She adds and then walks away. Elena watches her go before glancing across at Damon who is still perched at the bar drinking away. His eyes follow Daphne as she leaves the Grill.


Bubbles erupt from the top of a beaker from the chemistry set laid upon the coffee table. Daphne had moved her stuff downstairs so she can talk to Jeremy when he comes home. The front door opens as Jeremy returns home, closing it behind him. His eyes land on Daphne, kneeling on the floor. Jeremy raises an eyebrow at Daphne who peers up at him through her goggles.

"You know those things make you look like a praying mantis?" He asks, she sticks out her tongue at him. He snorts and then heads across the room.

"Actually, do you have a minute?" She asks as she stands from the equipment, letting it bubble away.

"Sorry, just passing through" He answers, moving towards the kitchen. Daphne follows after him, almost bumping into the furniture, the goggles make it rather difficult to see everything in the right perspective. "Why?" He asks and glances over his shoulder. "What about?"

"You getting fired" Jeremy stops and turns to face her. "Look, I don't think it's a big deal, you're dealing your way but..."

"But Elena talked you into talking to me"

"Well..." Daphne shrugs a little and then nods. "Yeah"

"Look, can we do this later? I made plans with Tyler. He's right outside"

"When did you start hanging out with Tyler Lockwood?" She asks him.

"I don't know...Does it matter?"

"Yeah, Jeremy" She argues. "Getting fired and cheating on your homework is..." She shakes her head. "It matters. He's sired to Klaus. He's dangerous"

"He can still hear you. He is right outside" Jeremy points out.

"Fine, let him hear..." She counters. "I don't care"

"You of all people are gonna lecture me on who I can and can't hang out with?" Jeremy snaps a little.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Damon" He answers.

"Urm firstly, I'm a witch, dealing with supernatural beings, was literally in my curriculum" Pad climbs up her leg to get to her shoulder. Daphne holds down her hand for him and he grabs onto her sleeve. "What is with this attitude?" Daphne asks. Jeremy has never spoken to her this way before.

"Yeah, whatever," Jeremy argues. "When did you get so lame" Daphne gives him a look. She's actually upset by that. That's not fair of him. She's trying to keep him safe. To keep what's left of her family alive. "Tyler is waiting" He starts to leave, but Daphne blocks his way.

"Listen to me" She tries. "Nothing good can come of you hanging out with Tyler..."

"Alright, fine. You want me to stay in? Let's all stay in then" He shouts. "Yo, Tyler! Come on in!!"

"Jeremy...!" Daphne scolds a little. This is not going the way she wanted it to. Jeremy was so easy to talk to about things. She has no idea who this Jeremy is. Tyler opens the door and comes into the house.

(1) The Phoenix (D. Salvatore)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu