Chapter 2: Beginning of The End

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A half hour is such an odd unit of time. Certain times it can feel longer than a full hour and other times it can feel like only 5 minutes have gone by. Just as quickly as the brothers had been sent to pack, they were done.

Stood with all of their belongings, were the Kaneko Brothers right by the church door. For once they were all silent, neither of them daring to speak as the Head Nun, Sister Susan, spoke to them.

"I expect for you all to be on your best behavior. Punishment will not be lenient as it has been here!" She spoke with her scratchy voice, her tone giving no room for any discussion.

Ocean observed as Yuuto's face seemed to scrunch up at the lady's words, most likely he was holding back from telling the lady off. Seriously is she so gullible as to believe those under her only dealt "reasonable" punishments or was she simply ignoring the truth.

"And you! Demon! I don't want you causing any commotion for the family! You should be lucky they even allowed us to let you go given how quickly you'll taint their house!"

Ocean found himself focusing on the conversation as his youngest brother was mentioned, calm eyes watching said boy's reaction.

Akuma, to his surprise, didn't fight back to the words that would usually rile him up instantly. Instead the youngest just stood with a blank, empty look on his pale face. This always appeared after he had a "Talk" and each brother hated it.

River, quickly growing tired of the lecture and rude treatment immediatly looked around for a way to make the conversation stop. His blue eyes lit up as he spotted the cab pulling up and grabbed his bag before speaking. "Yeah yeah, we get it already! Be good blah, blah, blah!! We will be late if you keep this up!"

With those words he motioned his head towards the window and Sister Susan, face turning red from anger as she was cut off, huffed and reluctantly nodded.

The five brothers grabbed their bags and quickly made their way out of the hellhole that had been the church. Quickly putting their stuff in the trunk they moved to sit in the car.

Ocean sat up in the passenger seat while River, Taito, Yuuto, and Akuma squeezed into the back.

Without even glancing at the Nuns that had followed them outside to say "goodbye", Ocean told the driver to leave.

Soon enough, the church was just a dot in the mirror and all five brothers seemed to relax. Slowly, ever so slowly, soft chatter began to fill the air.

River immediately trying to get the Cab driver's reaction to them as the twins went about whispering to each other and occasionally Akuma, who's face finally began to look lively again.

Ocean smiled slightly, despite his inner worries he knew as long as he could keep the four boys safe then everything would he okay.

The drive took a little more than three hours and by the time they arrived it had begun to drizzle. They came to a slow stop and Ocean's eyes scanned the house they would be staying at. It's more like a manor than a house, honestly. Just how rich is this family?

Quickly getting out of the car the brothers grabbed their bags as Ocean paid the driver, thanking him for his patience. Said driver just nodded and smiled before driving off once more.

Ocean immediatly nodded his head toward their new residence before urging everyone to the door before anyone could get a cold. River was the one to knock on the door, his signature mischievous smirk on his lips.

They waited for a few minutes before River knocked again.

"Perhaps they are coming from the other side of the building?" Came the soft voice of Taito. Ocean hummed at that, it was plausible. After all the manor was huge.

Before anyone else could speak, a short, high-pitched scream filled the air. At the same time the door opened and all five brothers tensed. What was going on in there?

Ocean was the first to compose himself. "Come on. Surely everything is fine. Remember to wipe your feet before stepping in. We wouldn't want to track mud anywhere." Was his response before heading inside the dreary manor.

The four other brothers looked at each other before sighing and doing as told. At least it wasn't the church right?

Nothing could have prepared them for what they were about to get thrown into.

Unknown to them, A blonde girl had already walked inside the doors just minutes before they arrived. Everything had been set into motion the second they stepped inside.

Making their way deeper into the Manor, the Kaneko Brothers came across a rather interesting sight.

In the hallway was a couch with a blonde-haired girl pinned down on it as a red-haired guy with some type of uniform on hovered over her.

They weren't able to make out whatever words he spoke but before either of them could say anything a deep voice filled the room.

"How many times have I told you to take such activities to your room, Ayato? This area is for greeting guests. Doing such things here is unsightly."

Looking over towards the voice the brother's found a rather tall male. His hair seemed to be an ombre of dark to light purple, his clothes all perfectly worn. Not a crease or wrinkle in sight. Said man, Reiji, only focused on the two infront of him.

"Tch! Not you, Reiji" Came Ayato's reply as he got off the girl with an annoyed look on his face.

"Please!! Help me!!" The girl finally spoke and instantly Akuma glared at her. She was so loud, careless for those around her!

"And just who are you?" Reiji spoke, eyes filled with disinterest.

"I'm Yui Komori! My father said I would be staying here while he was away on business!" She squeaked out, looking up at Reiji as if he actually cared.

"That's strange... Why wasn't I told about this? Ayato explain this to me at once!"

Ayato blinked, a stunned look on his face. "Huh? How the hell should I know? Pancake over here didn't mention anything like that!"

The girl, Yui, seemed a bit annoyed at his words and finally spoke up.

"I didn't have time to before you attacked me!" Was the great retort before realization filled her eyes. "Did you just call me pancake?"

"Yeah. If you haven't notice you're as flat as a pancake!" Ayato replied and smirked at Yui's gasp.

Unable to help himself, River snorted. This Ayato guy was funny as hell!

Suddenly three sets of eyes were on them and River's smirk grew.

"Who are you?" Reiji asked, eyes widening in surprise for one second before cutting any reply off.

"This is very strange. I don't think we should talk about this here. All of you, follow me" He practically ordered and Yui let out a surprised squeak as a butler appeared to take her bags.

Slowly she ran after Reiji while the Kaneko Brothers gazed at Ayato for just a moment before doing the same.

What is a girl from the Church doing here? Ocean couldn't help but wonder


Hello! I just wanted to let you guys know that updates on this book should be steady until I get the introductory chapters out of the way! I will be getting more into how the Kaneko Brothers act and the point of view will change a bit soon so please look forward to it!

Also I will try to keep each chapter as close to 1,000 words as I can manage!!

- KQ ♡

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