Chapter 22: Blood's Eternal Dance

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●●●●● Third Pov ●●●●●

Lunch started off fairly easily. Ayato had managed to grab some food for River to eat while they waited for everyone to come.

Reiji had been the second person to arrive after them, his eyes widening in slight surprise as he wasn't the first one there. That surprise quickly changed to a look of annoyance as he noticed the fang marks on River's neck and said male's whining about needing a cranberry juice box.

"I thought I told you not to do such things at school, Ayato." He scolded, a frown on his face as he handed River said box of juice.

"Huh? If I remember correctly you said 'I can't believe you would engage in such activities while we are in school'. Nothing in there says don't bite the dumb berry who was begging for it!" Ayato huffed, crossing his arms as he glared at the older vampire.

Before Reiji could reply, River was rolling his eyes. "I wasn't begging for it! I wanted to piss you off!~ How was I supposed to know you hadn't fed from your little blood bag this morning?" The blue-haired boy grumbled, finishing his second cranberry juice box with a pout.

To his credit, Reiji simply sighed and pushed up his glasses, about to scold both of them for being so irresponsible when Ocean and Shu walked into the room, the red-head practically dragging the sleepy vampire over with a small smile on his face.

"We will continue this conversation at home." The dark-haired vampire mumbled, not that the two cared.

The quiet duo arrived to the table and River began to excitedly gush about some game having gone well, practically glowing as Ocean congratulated him. Things carried on rather pleasantly as the two Kaneko brothers talked to each other, only stopping for River to eat or for him to annoy Ayato. River had moved into Ayato's lap as the cafeteria began to fill up more, claiming that since everyone couldn't see his bite mark he would have to show off through his actions. Ayato had rolled his eyes, missing Ocean's quick look of displeasure that was sent his way.

After that, the next one's to walk in were Subaru and Akuma, who seemed to be talking about something from their class, an annoyed look on both of their faces. Quickly following their entrance was Yuuto and Kanato who didn't bother even stopping to grab food from the lunch line. Instead they immediately sat at the table and Yuuto pulled out a small paper bag out of his book bag. Inside the paper bag was a small stack of chocolate chip cookies and a large cupcake which Kanato seemed to light up at.

"Our doll knows us well, Right Teddy?" The small vampire asked his bear, a rather pleased grin on his face as the teddy bear quietly agreed.

As Yuuto began to feed the other, Laito and Taito walked into the room. Well Laito did as he was carrying the smaller boy, who had refused to be separated from the fedora-wearing vampire during every single class thus far.

The two sat down and with all of his  brothers at the table, Ocean finally relaxed and began to eat. Occasionally offering Shu a piece of his lunch which the blonde would slowly eat.

The first ten minutes of the period proceeded without any problems, the two sets of brothers either eating or talking to each other rather calmly. Unfortunately for the 11 boys, that peace couldn't last forever. Strolling into the room late and with a group of about 3 other people around her was Yui.

She made her way to the table with just one person, Ran. The two giggling and Yui whispering something in the girl's ear before they parted ways. The human girl went to try and sit with Ayato, only to frown as she noticed River in his lap with Kanato and Reiji on either side of him preventing her plan of trying to get him to feed her.

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