Chapter 26: Truthful Falsity

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●●●●● Third Person Pov ●●●●●

"Don't you think this is a bit much over some rumors?" A voice asked, filling the tense silence of the living room.

A quiet giggle was the only response until another voice tore through the air.

"I suppose you won't mind if I tell everyone you have an intimate relationship with those teacups of yours, right?" River raised an eyebrow at the vampire as he stood up, arms crossed.

Reiji furrowed his eyebrows at that and remained silent, refusing to let the others possibly see him react in an inappropriate fashion despite how much he wanted to strangle the blue-haired boy in front of him.

"River. Enough. We have more pressing matters to attend to. Petty games can wait until we are done." Ocean's calm voice filled the room and in an instant all eyes were on the oldest Kaneko. He sat on the couch, Shu's head in his lap and his own hand in the soft blonde locks. Despite how calm the other appeared, each Kaneko brother could see the protective gleam in the red-head's eyes.

It was silent for a few moments as Ocean scanned the room, carefully looking at each vampire and the human girl who sat alone on the other couch.

"As you all know you are here for the events that took place today. If it had been one or two students speaking, then it would have been deemed normal but for such cruel words to leave the lips of students who don't even have classes with any of us. Well it only leaves one option really. Someone here started the rumors." He spoke again, voice still calm as his face remained blank. None of the vampires deserved to read him so easily at a time like this.

Before silence could collapse over the room again, River spoke up.

"It wasn't Laito or Kanato. Taito and Yuuto wouldn't let them too talk to strangers carelessly." The usual playful tone of voice was gone, replaced by a serious one. It was so rare to catch the second eldest slip into such a mindset. All he cared about was finding who hurt his beloved little brothers.

"Oi! Why aren't I cleared! You were with Yours Truly almost all day!" Ayato cried in annoyance, suddenly sitting up straight.

"Almost. The few periods we have apart you could have done anything. Were you trying to play a game and it backfired? I'll have no choice but to stop our games if you did, Oreo."  River's voice suddenly got quiet, arms remaining crossed over his chest.

The room seemed to freeze as the two stared each other down. Sapphire and Green eyes refusing to back down in a silent argument that lasted for what seemed like years but truly only was a few minutes before Ayato huffed and looked away. Submission.

"As if I'd play some stupid game like that. I'm the best at everything! That means picking out games too, Dumb Berry! Besides I was taking tests in the periods we weren't together." Ayato eventually spat out, much to his brother's amusements and shock. Since when did Ayato give in so easily? Too a seemingly random man as well.. Reiji inwardly made a note to write such interesting behavior down later

"He's telling the truth. He stayed in the rooms with our toys the whole time." Taito's gentle voice confirmed, all eyes being drawn to him. The lilac-eyed boy sat in Laito's lap, practically curled up as close as possible to the vampire, not that Laito was complaining. It seemed he had once again become more clingy than usual after the events earlier that evening, refusing to leave the flirtatious vampire's arms even for a moment.

"Well that rules out the triplets. I knew there was a brain somewhere in that head of yours, Oreo~☆." For just a moment, River seemed to relax, easily slipping into his mischievous behavior before Ocean cleared his throat. A soft reminder that games couldn't be played yet.

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