Chapter 4: Greetings End

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The 5 brothers watched as Shu teleported away from the room, probably going to answer the phone that had started ringing.

"Hm?~ If He didn't mention them does that mean we can call dibs?~" Laito asked, his look of surprise immediately replaced by that seductive smirk.

Reiji pushed his glasses up and frowned. Clearly unpleased with the current events. "Enough of that. Mentioned or not they haven't properly introduced themselves. For the girl to have such deplorable manners is one thing but I will not accept such behavior from them!" His displeasure making itself known in his voice.

Ocean sighed, already knowing he and River would not be getting along.  "Shouldn't we wait until your brother returns? It will be tiresome to repeat introductions twice."

With a nod, Reiji sat down. It seems it was just a waiting game now.


Yui, shakily got up, looking at the five boys before seeming to recognize Ocean and running up to him.

"H-hey you're from the Church right?" She asked making said male frown. Had she not been paying attention just minutes ago?

"You have to help me!!! S-surely you're strong enough to open the doors!!" She squeaked and Ocean found himself growing more and more annoyed the more she talked.

"Why do you assume I would help you?  Surely you have to understand we aren't to leave this place just yet. Do what you will, but I will not be aiding you in any case." He spoke rather softly, almost as if scolding a baby. He doubted that she would truly understand his words yet said them anyway. Maybe they would stick and she'd make her own life easier.

Yui let out a small gasp, eyes filling with confusion and betrayal. "B-But God says--" An annoyed grunt filled the air and Yui whirled around only to find River rolling his eyes.

"Who cares what your so-called God says!~ He's not here and you have no power to make it seem like he is!~♡" He said with a smirk, not caring how it looked for him to treat Yui like this. She wasn't as innocent as she was leading these vampire's to believe.

Before anything more could be said, Shu appeared back on the couch, eyes half-lidded.

"He just called... He said to treat the brothers 'gently'."

Reiji nodded, seeming to relax ever so slightly. "Well. Now that everyone is here you may introduce yourselves."

Ocean smiled and opened his mouth, speaking in his gentle voice once again. "As I stated before we are the Kaneko Brothers. I am the eldest, Kaneko Ocean."

He quickly motioned to River, who's smirk grew as he flashed a peace sign. "This is the Second eldest, Kaneko River."

"Yoo~ I call dibs on Oreo-sama over there so no one else can have him!" River said in response, amusement filling his eyes as he watched Ayato's response.

"What? No one owns Yours Truly! Especially not a human!!" Ayato shouted, moving to stand up before Reiji shot him an unimpressed look.

"Next come the twins. The third eldest, Kaneko Taito and the fourth eldest, Yuuto." Ocean continued, not even bothering to scold River.

"Our toys have been chosen. Please don't touch what is ours." Taito spoke politely while Yuuto giggled. "Hey!~ You haven't told them which one are the toys, Tai-chan!"

Taito only smiled in response to this. "They will find out in due time, remember."

For once, Ocean didn't even feel a hint of worry at the idea of new "toys". He doubted the twins could break vampires. He ignored the look on the Sakamaki's faces before motioning to Akuma, who had his arms crossed and was glaring at nothing in particular.

"This is our youngest, Kaneko Akuma." He said only to get a growl in response.


River gazed around the room at the various faces before landing on Yui. His smirk widened as he noticed her reaction to Akuma. Ah, there it is. He had been waiting for her eyes to fill with that familiar hatred. Though as quickly as the emotion appeared it vanished, leaving behind a look of fear as she squealed and backed away from Laito.

Said male had brought the attention back to her wound and could only chuckle as she fled the room once more.

"Her manners are utterly deplorable" Reiji sighed out, sitting down. The triplets moved to leave the room as soon as he sat, following Yui with an excited gleam in their eyes.

It took a moment but Ocean approached him, no fear to be seen in his own eyes.

"Can you please show us to our rooms? I would like for us to rest and unpack after such an eventful day." He said while looking down at the dark-haired vampire.

Reiji offered a nod and Ocean motioned for his brothers to follow, each of them following immediately.

"This isn't over yet, Blueberry!" Huffed Ayato before he quickly followed Laito and Kanato out of the room to chase down their new "bride". River couldn't help but laugh at this, pleased to have a "game" start so quickly.

Slowly but surely the living room became empty once again as each remaining vampire left to go do their own things.

It seems like Fate had accepted the challenge.

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