Chapter 10: Normalcy's End

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After the events of last night's dinner, the Sakamaki mansion had been rather quiet. For once the Vampire's not bothering any of their new guests.  The hours passed quietly as everyone rested.

Soon enough the moon was rising in the sky and Reiji was going around, waking the house. Each Kaneko brother was already dreading the day ahead of them. Slowly, they got ready, the twins and Akuma taking longer than usual as they decided to laze a bit before dealing with her.

Neither twin had a good feeling about the day and with a look to each other they got up. Something was going to happen today and it wouldn't be good.

●●●●● River's Pov ●●●●●

Yawning, the blue-haired male made his way down the steps. His hair was meticulously done once again and he had put a bit more concealer on than normal. Having not gotten a good amount of sleep last night he had slight bags under his eyes.

Can't have these vampires thinking I won't be able to play a game today. He thought as he finally reached the bottom of the steps, greeted by the sight of Ocean and a few of the vampires. Reiji, Shu, and Kanato to be specific. He simply nodded at them before flopping into a seat, already knowing Yui was gonna be a half hour late again.

Slowly the rest of his brothers and the vampires trickled in. He made sure to look over Akuma, relaxing when he found the black-haired boy in a seemingly better mood. 

He was about to open his mouth and complain when Yui came stumbling down the steps and snapped his mouth closed, already annoyed as he watched her run to Ayato's side.

They made their way to the limo and instead of sitting in Ayato's lap like last time he moved to sit in Laito's only to be pulled back.

He let out a surprised gasp as he heard a low voice next to his ear.

"Tch. Don't tell me all that talk of being yours was a bluff, Blueberry." Growled Ayato as he pulled the mischievous boy closer to him.

Said boy scoffed and put a smirk on his face, getting comfy in the vampire's lap without a thought.  "As if I would lie about that! Everyone knows you belong to me already! Why are you finally accepting your place? Perhaps you're jealous?~♡" Came his reply, tone filled with sass.

His body relaxed as they began to drive, feeling his mood pick up as Ayato bristled behind him. "Yours Truly belongs to no one! Just didn't want my lap cold is all, dumb berry!" The vampire denied and huffed, looking out the window.

"So you admit you're jealous?" River asked, smirk widening as he looked back at the red-head.

"Jealous over what? You being a slut?"

River couldn't help but laugh, relaxing more. "Hm? But I'm a virgin!~♡ I saved myself from the evil church for you, Oreo!"

Hearing Ayato snort, River decided things would be okay. He ignored the set of eyes on him as he and the red-haired vampire quietly bicker. Eventually looking around the limo to see what everyone else was doing.

Reiji was reading as usual. Ocean seemed to be dozing off on Shu's shoulder. River made a mental note to tease his older brother later. The twins were sitting next to their toys, simply looking out the window as Kanato talked to his Teddy and Laito watched he and Ayato's show in amusement. Akuma and Subaru were both ignoring everything.

Pink eyes continued to gaze at him and River continued to ignore them. He wouldn't let himself be bothered by someone so foolish.

The ride to school continued in peace, the tension from last night completely fading the more he teased and bickered with the eldest triplet.

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