Chapter 20: Blood Dance's End

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Several weeks had passed since the night Ocean had spilled the truth to Shu. Things had slowly gone back to how they were before Yui had opened her mouth although a few things remained the same.

One of those things was the Kaneko Brothers refusing to leave just one of them alone with the human girl. Whenever she was present around them there was at least two or three of the Kaneko boys around keeping watch. She had yet to realize the weight of her mistakes.

If anything, she was still under the assumption that the vampires were on her side. Appearing to think every bit of attention and bite they gave to her was proof despite every instance being nothing more then food being devoured on the Sakamaki's end.

The only one she found herself actually acknowledging as breaking her little fantasy was the two eldest brothers, Shu and Ocean. The two had easily returned to the bond they had formed before the incident. Whenever she noticed them sleeping together in the car her eyes would darken with anger for just a moment.

She would have all of the vampires attention. Whether she had to force it or not.

●●●●● River's Pov ●●●●●

"I'm just saying! I think it's a little plausible that Subaru is the CEO of that car company!" River defended as he walked down the stairs, Ayato giving him a look of amusement while Laito laughed from the bottom of the stairs.

"Seriously it was just a dream you had! He doesn't even know how to drive!" The arrogant vampire groaned, quickly growing tired of the stupid conversation. River just pouted in response and looked at the white-haired vampire. "Subaru~~☆" he cooed, immediatly gaining a look of annoyance.


"But I-"


"Come on!"

"Fuck off already!"

River sighed and dramatically walked over to the couch, flopping down with his arms crossed. "All of you suck ass! You never let me have any fun!" He grumbled, causing a soft chuckle to float down the stairs.

"I think it's fitting considering you almost got killed the last time you tried to prank Subaru." Ocean's voice replied as the tall male made his way down the stairs, Akuma right behind him.

"I was young and dumb back then! I've grown! I've seen the world! I've learned what it means to live!" River cried, throwing a hand on his forehead, much to his brother's amusement.

"You literally tried to do the same thing two days ago." Akuma snorted before moving to sit in a chair.

"That's it! I'm running away again! And I'm never letting any of you ever taste my blood ever again!" River retorted, only gaining a raised eyebrow from Ayato.

"We never tasted it to begin with. Yours Truly would have been the first." The vampire said, irritation infecting his tone.

"Now you're definitely never tasting my blood!"

Before Ayato could reply, the twins were walking down the stairs, Yuuto's face filled with annoyance.

"Where are our toys?" He asked, practically glaring at the group.

"Oh?~ What has you two in such a mood today?" Laito purred as he walked towards the steps, green eyes filled with interest as he watched the twins make their way down.

"That stupid brat thinks she can say whatever she wants. Daring to call our toys, hers! Then she tried to grab one of my beloved plushies!" He hissed out, rose-pink eyes scanning the room until they landed on the smallest vampire and relaxing.

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