Chapter 28: Drops of Fire

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Moonlight streams in through a window, a soft breeze gently shaking the curtain as it makes it's way inside the room. Laying on the bed is a rather annoyed Akuma.

Upon the mention of some woman, Subaru had taken him outside to "avoid the stupid drama and relax". He supposed he was getting too attached to the vampire anyway. So what if Subaru understood his anger? So what if Subaru understood what it meant to be viewed as nothing more than dirt below a peasant's foot? Akuma had to remind himself that the only people he could trust in the world were his brothers. Humans were cruel and he doubted vampires were any different given how the other Sakamaki Brothers acted.

As long as his own family remained happy he wouldn't mind remaining alone and angry. He just needed his brothers and his fire. A soft knock broke him out of his thoughts, sitting up he glared at the locked door.

"Kuma open up! I brought some stuff with me!" River's muffled voice made it's way to his ears and the young boy sighed. Slowly getting up and making his way over to the door, unlocking it before turning around. As he made his way back to the bed, River walked into the room, the sound of items rustling in a bag following.

"I've decided it's been too long since we did your hair!~☆ Your roots will start to come in soon and you always get so cranky if anyone sees them but us." The blue-haired boy chirped, seeming to not notice Akuma's mood.

The fire spirit didn't know whether to be grateful for that fact or not. He simply hummed and moved to pull his hair free from it's usual ponytail. Black and pink locks fell down to his shoulders, creating a curtain that blocked his face from the world.

"You and Yuuto always keep your hair up! I don't get how you both don't get annoyed when you lie down." River mumbled, filling the room with a rather calm voice as he set up the bathroom. Perhaps it had been too long since they had done this.

"If it's down people can pull on it easier. Keeping it up means fighting is easier. You taught me that, dumbass." Akuma retorted with a huff. He made his way into the bathroom and sighed as he saw the stool by the sink.

"But that's for fights! You don't even let it down around Ocean and us!" The blue-haired boy complained and the fire spirit found himself groaning in annoyance.

"Fine! I'll keep it down at the next sleepover if it shuts you up..." Akuma grumbled, rolling his eyes as River squealed excitedly behind him. "Really? I'm gonna tell everyone so you can't take it back like last time!" The elder boy gushed and Akuma just rolled his eyes as he sat down. "Whatever. Just shut up and get started before I decide to turn you into steam." Was all he replied and with that red eyes fluttered shut.

The sound of water running filled the bathroom and Akuma was once again left to his thoughts. He replayed the actions from earlier in his head with a frown. Subaru hadn't ever showed interest in the girl yet he had nearly fed from her so quickly. It didn't make sense. The way he held her so gently after weeks of ignoring the human didn't make sense. Something had to have changed.

Akuma wasn't allowing himself to get anymore attached but he decided he could let himself observe. The sound of River's voice brought him out of his thoughts. "Huh? What did you say?" He found himself mumbling as he focused on the other's face.

River raised an eyebrow as he grabbed a strand of hair, already working on putting the dye on the now bleached locks. Perhaps Akuma had been lost in his thoughts for longer than intended. "I said if you keep glaring like that you'll get wrinkles faster." River smirked and for a second the younger Kaneko contemplated burning the water spirit. He decided against it and just growled, only growing more annoyed when River laughed.

"Tch! You're a pain in the ass!" The teen huffed and only got another round of obnoxious laughs in reply. Unable to help it any longer, pink and red flames burst from his skin only to instantly be met with bubbles of water surrounding them. The two elements clashed and the sound of sizzling filled the room for several moments. Neither side giving up until the playful water encasing the angry flames solidified, extinguishing the flames with a loud hiss.

"Hm... I see." Was all River responded, sapphire eyes gazing into guarded red ones. And just like that he continued to dye Akuma's hair.

Neither of the two brothers spoke but Akuma was suddenly put at ease. River understood. As much as they argued and messed with each other, River never pushed too Akuma too far. Sent him into fits of annoyance, yes, but never ones of rage. It was for that reason that River was the one that Akuma always relied on. As much as he loved and trusted all of his older brothers, he would always feel the safest and most protected around River. Not that he would ever admit that out loud of course.

Soon enough his hair was dry and River was cleaning up the bathroom.  "Thank you." The younger boy murmured as he walked back into his bedroom. He missed the gentle look of fondness on River's face and the elder Kaneko just hummed.

"Anytime, Kuma!~"

The moonlight once again landed on Akuma, this time illuminating his calm figure. It seemed to glow brighter than normal, as if laughing at them. Akuma could only gaze at it, red eyes filled with wonder.

Something was happening. Something was going to occur in this house and he had a feeling the lonely moon would be the only one laughing in the end.  As he was left alone, the young teen sighed. He just hoped whatever it was would spare his brother's from it's wrath.

He knew he was being too hopeful. After all, Akuma's instincts had never wronged him before.


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It's been a very long time since my last update and I would like to apologize. I never meant to go on such a long break. Initially I was planning on taking a week or so off but a week turned into two and then I got carried away with work and then I got sick. Luckily it was just a bad cold but I still apologize for the long wait.

I would also like to thank you all for 10k reads!! You can not imagine my surprise after logging in after a month and seeing that! I am so grateful to each and every single one of you that read this story and to those that rate and comment I'm even more grateful. Seeing people enjoy the story that started off with a silly idea I had is so amazing and it motivated me to continue.

Finally, I will say this. This story has barely started.

~ KQ ♡

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