Chapter 23: Begging Flame's Dance

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Darkness filled a silent room. The air was tense as a small figure sat in the middle, forced to wait for inevitable preparations to be done. Only the sound of the child's shaky breathing and just barely heard footsteps filled the room

The child's head shot up as the terrifying silent darkness was disturbed by a small flicker of light. Soon enough there were 26 candles given flames as those in the room decided to make themselves known.

"Tonight the Demon bears itself once more! Tonight will be the night we truly banish it from God's sight!" A male voice spoke up and the child let out a confused whimper.

The sound of a whip cracked through the air before landing on pale, unblemished skin. The child could only cry out in pain, the chains on the ground and ceiling that were attached to their wrists and ankles made it hard to try and leave.

"In nomine Patris et Fílii et Spíritus Sancti "

The male voice spoke again in a language the small child couldn't even begin to understand. Their small mind still reeling from the first hit of the whip.

More figures stepped out of the shadow and the child began to shake, fear flooding the small body as each and every person began to chant. All eyes but one set was hidden by black hoods.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immunde spiritus!"

The sound of something being plunged into water was heard before the child let out a cry again, the whip hitting his skin at full force as water droplets flicked around the room.

" Omni satanica potestas! Vade retro Satana!"

Another voice began to join the Priest's. The child's cries never stopping as the whip refused to have mercy.  Mercy wasn't offered even as skin broke and blood began to splatter on to the basement floor.

"Nunquam suade mihi vana! Sunt mala quae libas, ipse venena bibas!!"

All the voices were chanting now. Or perhaps they were screaming? The child couldn't focus much for the pain on their back was causing their thoughts to jumble.

The candles on the ground seemed to dance higher and higher with each foreign word and the child's screams reached their highest as the whip slashed into bloodied skin harder.

"In nomini Jesu Christi!!!"
It hurts

"In nomini Jesu Christi!"
Make it stop.

"In nomini Jesu Christi"
Help me brothers!

"In nomini Jesu Christi!!!!!"

A raw, terrified scream filled the room as the candles flames illuminated the face of the Holy Priest.

Blood splattered and a new wave of agony burned through the child's back. Desperate wails filled the basement as the chanting got louder and louder.

The child could only scream as his body was destroyed by the Holy Whip.

Mercy was never given as orange flames cried out in anguish.

●●●●● Akuma's Pov ●●●●●

Red eyes shot open and quickly looked around the room as the teenager panted softly, lungs practically begging for air as panic overloaded his body.

Slowly the boy sat up and began to relax as he took in his surroundings. He was fine. It was just a stupid dream.

His shoulders sagged as he let out a breath, black hair falling around his face like a curtain. How many times would he be forced to have that dream?

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