Chapter 24: Awaken The Beginning

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Pink eyes could only watch as 6 young boys eagerly tried to play and appease their Mothers.

Pink eyes could only watch as a mother's gentle love was never given to those six little boys.

Could only watch as one Mother indulged in another's love that wasn't her husband's.

Could only watch as those piercing green eyes stared into their own.

Could only watch as the world of sin and sadness faded away and all that was left was the mother with long, purple hair.

Could only watch as Cordelia smirked.

●●●●● Yui's Pov ●●●●●

Yui awoke with a gasp, her eyes shooting open as she sat up. It took a moment for her to catch her breath as her eyes darted around her room, almost expecting to see those cold eyes staring at her.

Lately she had been having more and more dreams of the unknown women and this dream... It was more realistic than the rest. It was sad and terrifying. If the Sakamaki Brothers truly had such a childhood then she would have to approach her plans differently. Perhaps if she used this Cordelia woman to her advantage then those sinful Kaneko demons would be forgotten.

If she proves she's not like their mothers then they'll have no choice but go fall in love with her and she can save their souls.

It was truly the best idea. She couldn't rush to conclusions though. For all she knows the dreams could be just that, Dreams.

She'd have to ask them, especially the triplets. With that thought in mind, Yui got up, preparing for another long day.  As she was in the shower she found herself thinking about the past few days. She'd noticed the demons seemed more comfortable with the Sakamaki Brothers lately.  It was hard to ignore as she finally remembered the kiss Taito had forced Laito and Kanato into.

She refused to believe the two willingly kissed back, it was simply a trick of the demon's magic is all!

A frown made it's way onto her face as she remembered the events before and after those kisses took place. The vampires had begun to feed on those wretched boys. Just when she had thought she had one thing that secured her to the vampires it was taken away.

Water stopped and Yui huffed as she stormed out of the bathroom, quickly moving to get her clothes and make-up done. She would simply become irresistible then. After all, she'd been bitten by all six brothers so surely her blood was the best.

The frown was replaced by a smile and with a final glance in the mirror the human girl left her room, ready to put her plans into action.


Silence filled the limousine. It seemed that the lively Kaneko Brothers had yet to fully wake up, much to the Vampire's amusement or annoyance depending on who was speaking. Yui found herself for once not caring as she thought about the day ahead of her.

She would have to talk to Ran before class started. Her work to get the girl infatuated with the brothers had been easy. Just a little push and she'd get the girl to start the downfall of those pesky demons. She didn't notice green eyes watching her with a smirk on the owner's face.

Why would she when it wasn't the vampire she wanted most?

●●●●● River's POV ●●●●●

"Therefore X equals 54. Everyone understand?" A dull voice spoke out to a class that couldn't care less. River nearly groaned out loud and contemplated slamming his head into his desk. Perhaps if he hit it hard enough he could go to the nurse and avoid the hell that was algebra.

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