Chapter 5: Education's End

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●●●●● Ocean's POV ●●●●●

Ocean awoke to the sound of knocking. Slowly his eyes opened and he gazed around the room, recalling the events of the previous day and sighing. At least his room was better than the one the church had provided him. 

The knocking continued and the red-head got up, making his way to the door and opening it with a yawn. Standing in front of him was Reiji holding some sort of uniform.

"Good evening. Here is your uniform. School will start soon so get dressed in a timely manner." The vampire said as he handed the uniform over.

Ocean blinked in confusion before looking at the uniform and Reiji. "Uh.... Not to be rude but I already graduated a few years ago.... Do I still have to attend?" He informed the other, hoping he wouldn't have to do such a thing.

"Of course. Humans can't be trusted to stay here alone. Be downstairs in 30 minutes." Came Reiji's cold reply, and with that his door was closed leaving Ocean to groan in annoyance and begin to get ready.

●●●●● River's POV ●●●●●

The calm emptiness that he had been floating in was disturbed by the sound of a female scream. Grunting, River slowly sat up and glared at the baby blue walls around him. Seriously who had the bright idea to put his room across from Yui's?!

He barely managed to get out of bed before the vampire with a stick up his ass appeared in his room. He barely listened to what he said, only taking in the word school and the time limit before grumbling and making his way into the shower.

He sighed as he turned on the water, body instantly relaxing at the sound and feel of the gentle liquid. Once the temperature was just right he stepped in, letting out a pleased hum. The gentle droplets racing along his body as if to greet him. He smiled ever so slightly before washing himself, his mind filled with questions of how the day, or night technically, would go.

Unfortunately, he only had time for a short shower so he reluctantly got out of the water and dried off, putting on his head band and quickly running through his skincare routine. Once that was done he started on his hair, spending a good 15 minutes just styling it and making sure every strand looked perfect before looking at the uniform.

He snorted, Reiji had another thing coming if he thought he was gonna wear that ugly thing. He waltzed over to his closet and picked out a different set of pants, black jeans with a chain attached to them. He threw those on and decided the button up shirt wasn't the worst. He left the buttons open to reveal the black v-neck t-shirt he had put on underneath it. He reluctantly put on the uniform coat and walked over to his mirror, quickly putting on some concealer and deciding on a simple black choker and silver bracelet as his accessories for the day.

River made sure his hair was perfect once more before heading out of the room, smirking as he made his way down the stairs. Reiji, Shu, and Ocean were already waiting.

"You're early as well. Good." Was the only thing Reiji said and River simply rolled his eyes before heading over to Ocean.

Slowly but surely his brothers and the vampires trickled in one by one before the only one left was Yui. He glanced at the clock and let out an amused hum.

"Did you guys drink her dry already?~ Surely putting on clothes shouldn't take this long!" He finally spoke up, eyes filled with mischief as he watched to see if any of the vampires would react.

Ayato's eyes seemed to fill with annoyance but none of them took the bait, much to River's disappointment.

Just as he was about to try again Yui came running down the steps, tripping over her own feet and her face caked in foundation that was definitely not her shade.

"You're late. Don't make this a habit or I'll have to punish you." Reiji spoke while River tried his best not to laugh. Oh this was too good! Was she seriously gonna try to win these guys over with her looks? She always was an attention seeker.

"I-I'm sorry!" Yui squeaked out, rushing to stand next to Ayato.

"Let's go we are already late." Reiji ordered and walked out of the manor. Outside was a LIMO waiting for them and River blinked before chuckling.

"Wow you definitely make sure everyone knows you're better than them, huh?" He asked no one in particular, pointedly ignoring Ocean's unapproving look.

The Sakamaki's and Yui filed into the limo and he and his brothers went to do the same when something glaringly obvious was noticed.

"Unless some of us sit on each other's laps or squish together there is no way we are all fitting." Said Ocean, who was already frowning.

Seeing a chance, River excitedly spoke up. "I call Oreo's lap!~☆ He's mine so that means he can be my seat!"

"OI!! YOURS TRULY BELONGS TO NO ONE!" Immediately the arrogant vampire shouted, much to River's delight.

"Hm? What's that? Oreo belongs to only one? Glad you've realized your place!!~☆" River smirked and made his way inside the limo, gracefully plopping himself down in the pissed of vampire's lap.

He looked around to notice Laito chuckling at his behavior. "I've never seen a human do something so risky before! I like you, Slut-kun!~" He spoke, amusement filling his tone.

"You know I'm gonna ignore the nickname and take that as a compliment! Pleased to be the best entertainment you'll ever see in your life!~☆" River replied, smirk growing wider as the twins got into the limo. 

Taito and Yuuto sat on either side of Kanato and Laito. Ah, those were their toys then. He'd have to get them some sweets later for not realizing sooner.

On the opposite side of the limo sat Reiji who was reading a book, Subaru, and Akuma.

On the left side of him and Ayato was Yui and on the right side was Ocean, who did not look happy to be going back to school.  Shu sat next to Ocean and seemed to already have fallen back asleep.

Deciding to be nice, River remained quiet for the majority of the ride. At least until Reiji started handing out cranberry boxes to him and his brothers.

He hummed as he took his, immediatly opening it and drinking the bitter liquid with a smirk.

"Th-thank you!" Came Yui's voice upon receiving her box.

"Hey, it's kind of sad how she hasn't realized her place, right Tai-chan?" Yuuto's gentle voice spoke up, looking at Yui almost in sympathy. "Indeed. Everyone knows cranberry juice just helps keep your blood strong." Agreed Taito, wearing the same exact look of sympathy.

"What..?" Yui questioned, her pink eyes filled with confusion and River giggled.

"Damn you are as stupid as I thought you were! They basically are calling us their food to our faces with these, y'know! Vampires drink blood. You drink cranberry juice to keep blood good. More blood for vampires. No dying for you! Get it now, dumbass?" He spoke slowly, eyes filled with glee as he watched hers fill with horror and her body began to tremble.

Reiji, who had been about to explain the same thing, nodded and simply went back to reading his book while Ayato snickered behind him.

"Look! When humans get frightened they shake and look pathetic like this. It's interesting so be sure to watch, okay Teddy?" Came the creepy voice of Kanato.


Well that explains why the twins chose him as one of their toys River guessed.

The rest of the ride was filled with silence as they made their way to the school. Faintly, River began to hear the sound of screams and watched as Akuma slowly sat straighter, the look in his eyes murderous.

"Fuck that shit. Ocean take me home now!"

Ah, school was gonna be great!

Element Of Surprise [Diabolik Lovers Fanfic]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara