Chapter 3: Meetings End

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Silence filled the room as everyone looked at each other for a few minutes. Ocean quickly scanned the room, noting how despite this being the "Living Room" the room didn't seem to be used often. It looked more like it was for show rather than for use.


Yui sat on the couch in the center of the room while Ayato was sitting on a chair to the left. The Kaneko Brothers and Reiji stayed standing with Reiji in front of the couch Yui was sitting on and the Kaneko Brothers back toward the fire place.

"Now. Would you explain to me why you've all come here?" Reiji's voice suddenly filled the room, jolting Ocean out of his thoughts.

"My father told!!-" Yui had begun to speak only to be cut off by a chuckle from across the room.

Yui and the Kaneko Brothers immediately looked over to find another male leaning on a banister at the top of the stairs.

He was rather tall, his hair a redish-brown color that appeared to be long enough to reach his neck. On top of his head was a black fedora with a red bow with some kind of design above it. He seemed to be wearing a similar uniform as the other two boy's. The difference being he wore a hooded jacket under his blazer. 

"Fufufu~ So it's true!~ A cute human girl has come to visit us as a surprise!" He spoke out, his smooth voice filling the air.

Ocean blinked and then suddenly the male was right behind the couch, licking Yui's cheek. It was then then that he saw a glimpse of his teeth and for a moment he tensed before relaxing.

Ah. So they are vampires.

Another boy appeared, startling the girl on the couch.  "Please let me have a taste too."

With only that sentence spoken, the purple-haired boy leaned down to get a taste. The clothes he wore seemed to be just slightly too big on him, his jacket falling off his shoulder as he clutched a teddy bear close to his body.

"Both of you stop that. It is impolite to do such things to a girl you have only just met." Came Reiji's reply, his voice almost sounding bored.

"Aww but it's only natural that we would want to taste something that looks so sweet!~ Kanato agrees with me, right?" The man wearing the fedora spoke, a smirk on his face as he got the reply he wanted.

"Of course." Kanato replied, hugging the bear closer with a slight curve of his lips.

"Oi! Hands off she belongs to Yours Truly! Yours Truly saw her first so consequently Yours Truly will be her first everything!" Ayato finally spoke up again,voice filled with annoyance.

"Ugh lame! I'm sick of hearing you call yourself that "Yours Truly" crap!" A deep voice growled out.

"Damn it I know that's you Subaru! Show yourself!" Ayato shouted, looking around the room.

"I'm over here." Came the reply and Yui along with the Kaneko Brothers found themselves looking at yet another male.

Just how many vampires were in this place?

The angry male had messy white hair that covered one of his eyes, his eyes seeming to be red as Ocean looked at the visible one. His clothes were in various states of tear.  He reminds me of Akuma.

"So you're the mortal that dared disturb my sleep?!" He growled out something else but Ocean didn't seem to catch it as he gazed around the room once more. Good. It seemed like his brothers had caught on to just what these guys were. Yui, however.... She was never the sharpest tool in the box. He doubted she'd figure it out anytime soon unless it was pointed out.

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