Chapter:- 1

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Hyzin's POV:

I walked towards my car and took the driving seat. Just as I was about to start my phone rang. I smiled seeing the caller ID.

"I'm on my way, Mamu." I said starting the car and heard him sighing.

"Don't come here. Go home directly. Handle your Fuffi. Arhaan might have done something again." He said and I rolled my eyes sighing deeply.

"Okay. No worries. I'll handle her. This boy keeps irritating her." I said and he chuckled.

"Okay. Drive safely. Allah Hafiz." He said and I smiled.

"Allah Hafiz." I said and hung up. Let's see what this boy has done. I dialled Zaisha's number and it was picked up in some rings.

"Assalamualaikum, Bhai." She greeted.

"Wa-Alaikum-Assalam, little one. What happened between Arhaan and Fuffi?" I asked driving the car and heard her sighing.

"Well, Arhaan Bhai and Sara Appi fought on something and Ammi scolded Arhaan Bhai." She said and I sighed. When will these both grow up no one knows.

"Where is he?" I asked and heard her sighing.

"He is in his room. He is sad. He was a bit upset from the time he came from college. I think something happened in the college." She said and I nodded my head.

"Okay. I'm reaching home in some time." I said and hung up. I stopped the car when I found the red light. It will take time so I dialled Arhaan's number.

"You got the information already?" I chuckled hearing him. 

"What has Sara done this time?" I asked and heard him sighing.

"She didn't do anything this time. It was me who shouted at her." He said and I frowned.

"That's rare. Why?" I asked and heard him sighing.

"You remember I told you we had a session in our college a month ago. That time our seniors came to mentor us and there's a stupid girl who is after me from that time. She came today too and I was irritated by her so I shouted at her for disturbing me all the time and Sara shouted at me that I shouted at my senior. What to do with this stupid girl? She should get jealous that there's a girl who is behind me but she is opposite. Supporting that stupid girl." He said gritting his teeth and I chuckled. Well, these both are childhood lovers.

"She knows that you won't leave her so she don't have to worry." I said and heard him sighing.

"But I don't like that a girl is behind me even when I said that I have a wife already." He said and I rolled my eyes. I found the signal turning into green.

"You guys aren't married yet, boy." I said starting the car and heard him chuckle.

"We would be in future any ways. Insha Allah." He said making me smile.

"Insh- Oh my Allah!" My car stopped with a screech sound when I found it hitting an old man. Oh Allah.

"What happened, Bhai?" I heard his voice but I don't have time to tell him anything.

"Talk to you later, boy." I said getting out of the car and left the phone inside. I walked towards him who was lying on the ground with closed eyes but his chest was heaving up and down indicating that he is okay. Alhamdulillah. I walked towards him and made him sit. I looked around to find people looking at us as if we are aliens. Weird people. I helped him to stand up and made him lay down on the back seat. I started my car and looked out of the window.

Nikah Flowers Up The Love (Sequel Of 'A Beautiful Journey') (Completed) ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang