Class Trial #1: The Twisted Truth

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(3rd Person's POV)

Kyoko: ...What if her being scared was a lie?

Makoto looked at Kyoko in disbelief at such an accusation.

Makoto: Huh...? Wh-What the hell is that supposed to mean!? Why would she lie about something like that!?

Kyoko: I know you don't want to consider it, but look at this and tell me...can you still deny the possibility?

She then pulled out a note with shaded words on it.

"There's something I want to talk to you about, just us two. In five minutes, come see me in my room. Check the nameplates to make sure you don't get the wrong room, okay?"

Kyoko: I found a notepad during my search, and I shaded in the top sheet with a pencil. And these are the words that appeared.

Hina: Oh man, I've totally seen people do that on detective shows! When you write, it can leave an imprint. Sketch over the next sheet of paper, and you can see the words! When I saw that, I was like, "Holy crap! I better make sure I rip the paper out before I use it from now on!"

Kyoko: It's a pretty old-fashioned technique, but even the classics can be surprisingly useful sometimes. Oh, and I should also mention...I found the notepad on the desk in Naegi's room.

Byakuya: Then either it was Naegi, who lived there, or Maizono, who switched rooms for a single night...

Kyoko: So Naegi...did you write this?

The boy shook his head.

Makoto: N-No, I didn't. But--

Kyoko: Of course you didn't. Because the note also bears a perfectly legible signature--Maizono's signature.

Makoto: B-But why? Why would she write that?

Kyoko: The note was likely her way of getting in touch with a certain someone. She must have slid it under their door to let them know she wanted to meet with them in secret.

Hifumi: If you got an invitation like that from the Ultimate Pop Sensation, what young man could resist? Of course, I'm only into 2D so it wouldn't have any effect on me!

Celeste: But can we be sure anyone even got this note? And honestly, even if they did, I do not think they are at all involved in what happened.

Chihiro: Huh? What makes you say that?

Celeste: Hmhm... Would you like to hear what I have to say? Very well, then. Pay attention!



Celeste: Maizono and Naegi switched rooms, correct? But in the note, the place they were asked to come to... It specifically says "my" room.

Chihiro: I see... So if someone read that note...then they would have gone to Maizono's room!

Celeste: Exactly. The room that Naegi was staying in. So in other words, even if someone did read the note and did what it said...they would not have any connection to what happened.

Sakura: Hmm... It certainly would seem that way.

Sora's Truth Bullet: Dorm Nameplates



Sora: Yeeeah, sorry. The nameplates on Naegi and Sayaka's room got switched.

Celeste: They got...switched?

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