Chapter 28: The Traitor

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(3rd Person POV)

"The spy is actually Sakura Ogami!" Monokuma cackled.

"...!" Makoto flinched.

A moment of silence came about as everyone took a few seconds to process Monokuma's words. He said it so openly, it made it sound like it wasn't that big of a deal even though he'd just revealed a huge secret.

"...Eh?" Sora cocked her head to the side.

"What...? What did you just say?" Hiro asked.

"He said the spy is Ogami." Byakuya told him.

"Wh-What are you talking about? There's...there's no way Sakura's a spy!" Hina denied as she turned to Sakura for confirmation. "Right, Sakura?"

"..." The martial artist in question didn't answer, having an expression of regret while her eyes were closed.


"And I might just make Ogami fulfill the promise she made sometime soon... And if she doesn't...I can't be responsible for what might happen to that hostage of mine..." Monokuma threatened. "Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. What you guys choose to do with that information is up to you. Roast her, boil her. Kill her, don't kill her. Whatever! Puhuhu... Either way, I can't wait...!"

And just like that, he was gone... Finally, Makoto had understood what he had been talking about. An eye for an eye, a fang for a fang... In other words, betrayal would be met with betrayal.

"U-Um... So what does this mean?" Hiro spoke up. "I-Is it true? Has Ogre really been spying on us for the mastermind!?"

"What are you saying!? There's no way!" Hina denied.

"But that is wh-what the stuffed animal said, r-right?" Toko asked.

"Well, he's wrong! There's way!" Hina insisted.

"Well, Ogami? If he's wrong, all you have to do is tell us." Kyoko said. Another silence came by before she spoke.

"...I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier..." Sakura finally spoke.

"What...?" Hina looked at her.

"Then he was being serious for serious!? Ogre's been working for the mastermind!?" Hiro yelled.

"I'm sorry..."

"So you've b-been lying to us all this t-time?" Toko growled at her.

"I-It's not true...! Sakura was probably...being controlled!" Hina assumed. "There's gotta be some...some reason! She didn't have a choice, she was just...forced to do it!"

"Yeah, I'm sure Hina's right." Makoto spoke up. "The mastermind probably threatened her somehow, and Ogami had no choice but to do what she was told."

"Wh-What...? You're talking like y-you know that for a f-fact!" Toko narrowed her eyes at him.

"Because...I do know it for a fact. Because I saw it!" Makoto exclaimed. "I saw Ogami and Monokuma...fighting... And that's where I heard it... Monokuma mentioned a "hostage" a second ago, right? And during their fight, I heard Ogami say she'd decided to fight against the mastermind."

"You...saw all that?" Sakura asked.

"The mastermind took a hostage, so you were forced to swear loyalty to them, right? But in the made up your mind to "betray" the mastermind."

"Which means Ogami isn't our enemy. She's a friend who we can trust without question. Is that it?" Byakuya said. Everyone could practically taste the sarcasm coming from him. "Ridiculous. Do you live in some sort of alternate reality fairy tale? She was the mastermind's tool. You absolutely cannot trust someone like that."

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