Class Trial #5 Epilogue: Down In The Dumps

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(3rd Person's POV)





Sora finally felt her mind and body come back together again. She slowly opened her eyes. She was...awake. Or maybe this was just another dream...

A dream...inside this hopeless nightmare.

"N-No...this isn't a dream." Sora realized. She could tell because the stench she felt invading her nostrils was too powerful for any dream to imitate.

 "This is awful..."

The blonde then started to look around. She was in vast, dark cavern, with the barest hint of light seeping in. Trash was piled high all across the area.

"Is this...some kinda underground garbage pit?"

This is one hell of a situation she found herself in. But that was the least of her problems. What's important is...what's gonna happen now. Is she gonna be stuck in this place until she wasted away and died...?

"N-No..." She shook her head. "No, I can't let that happen..."

Sora remembered all too well what had happened. Doppelgänger...she saved her. Even though she has absolutely no idea how she managed to, the A.I. managed to interrupt the execution and prevented her death.

Plus...she doesn't know why, but...after narrowing escaping death, she's now filled with this burning feeling. A burning feeling that she can't describe that just won't allow her to give up so easily.

"This feeling..." Sora muttered. "It's too strong for me to ignore. I don't know what it is, but...all I know is...I can't give up now. Not when I've gotten so far."

And thus, her pursuit of survival began.

"I should probably see if there are any ways outta this place..." Sora mumbled as she looked on the right side of her. She looked at the pile of trash that was in there.

Huh? That's...a rocket and a tank... Sora thought. I'm...not even gonna ask... She then looked to the left side. There's a bunch of life-sized dolls that look just like me. That's probably the same ones that fell down with me...

She then turned her head to see a small airplane in a small pile. How'd that get in here...?

Sora shrugged before looking up to see a door. "Huh? Could that be...?" She walked up and tried to open it, but...


Dammit, it's locked...


No matter how many times she would would try to open it, say pushing, pulling, or even kicking it, the door just wouldn't budge.

Sora sighed. "Whelp, looks like I'm gonna be here longer than I thought..."


Sora then tried looking for food, but...

"It's all rotten..." Sora said. "Besides, I'm not eating anything that came outta the garbage pit..."


She then searched for water, but...

"I dunno if drinking any of these are a good idea..." Sora grimaced.


"Augh, this is pointless..." Sora said. "Anything in here that's edible is more likely to end my life than prolong it..." She sighed. "It feels like the universe is blocking me from all sides. least I'm still alive. And as long as that's true, I can't give up..."

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