Chapter 25: Unlocking The Fourth Floor

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(3rd Person's POV)


Sora was on her bed. She tightened her grasp on the pillow she was holding as she reminisced on the victims of this killing game. 

First Sayaka tried to kill Leon, but he turned the tables on her and killed her instead...

Monokuma killed Junko... and after that, Leon got executed...

Mondo killed Chihiro...and then he got executed...

Hifumi killed Taka...and Celeste killed Hifumi...then she got executed.

And now here he is...Sora and her classmates have experienced so much stress and witnessed so much death than anyone their age could even imagine...

And in such a short time, too. She feels like she's been in this place for months, when in reality it's only been two weeks at best.

Good grief... I don't know how much more of this I can take...


Meanwhile, with the other students...

Makoto soon walked into the dining hall with the other students. It was the day after Celeste's trial and execution, so naturally everyone's spirits would be pretty down.

"So now there's only five of us here..." Hina pointed out, her head down.

"Only a third of the number of people we started with..." Hiro sighed.

"Loneliness has become commonplace." Kyoko stated.

"That's true..." Sakura closed her eyes.


Makoto couldn't help but give a conflicted expression. What did he see yesterday? He doesn't understand... Can that really be true?

"Naegi, are you okay?" Sakura noticed the boy's stormy expression.

"Ah--! N-No, I'm fine...!" Makoto waved his hands in a 'don't worry about it' manner. He can't bring it up in front of the others. If he did would just confuse everyone that much more.

"..." Kyoko gave the lucky student a questioning stare, but chose not to say anything about it for now.

"Okay!" Hina spoke up. "In that case, let's eat till we pass out!"

"Whaddya mean, "In that case"?" Hiro inquired.

"Well, cuz look how scary everyone looks!" Hina said. "It's gotta be cuz you're all fighting on empty stomachs, right? If you fill your belly, I'm sure you'll all cheer up! So, let's eat! Let's fry up some fish and donuts and eat till we can't stand up!"

"That's like a Deep Impact style, meteor impact, extinction level event combination of foods..." Hiro gulped.

"What!? Those are both breakfast time top sellers!" Hina exclaimed.

"Still, the "till we can't stand up" part is a problem. After we're done, we need to go explore." Kyoko spoke up.

"That's right. Since the class trial is over, new areas should have opened up..." Sakura pointed out.

"Plus, we still have Alter Ego and Doppelgänger. We don't have to give in to despair just yet."

Makoto nodded in agreement. "She's right... We have to plan ahead and think about the future!"

"Yeah, yeah! Think happy thoughts! Not deathy thoughts!" Hina beamed.

"Like when we're gonna get outta here, right?" Hiro rubbed his head. "When this is all over...I think I wanna get reborn for serious. Er--I mean, reborn AS someone serious..."

Ultimate Life Or Death Despair Game (Danganronpa THH X Fem! OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ