Chapter 8: A Whole New World

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(3rd Person's POV)

After the execution, before they took the elevator back up, Monokuma told the students...


"Oh, I almost forgot! Since the class trial is over, I'll go ahead and dispose of all the corpses! It's okay, no need to thank me! Just seeing your delighted, smiling faces is thanks enough for me! After all, nobody wants to look at a rotting corpse every day! That can't be good for your health... Nyohohoho!"


The students didn't even have time to mourn the deaths of their fallen classmates. Sora thinks that's exactly why he did it. That's how cruel this game is...But it's reality nonetheless. 

"..." Sora was sitting on the edge of her bed, staring at the wall and thinking of...nothing in particular.

Eventually, she pulled herself out of her absent-minded state as she sighed.


Sora soon headed to the dining hall. She had to wait a while, as she was one of the first ones to get there, but soon, the others started piling in.

And as usual, Makoto entered the dining hall last.

"Sorry I'm late..." Makoto said as he came through the doors of the hall.

"Oh, you're here. You sure wear tardiness well." Sora said, though it was mostly a muse to herself.

"Hey...are you okay, Naegi?" Hina asked with concern in her voice.

"You sure took your sweet time!" Taka yelled. "I was just about to go get you and drag you back here!"

"S-Sorry..." Makoto softly apologized.

"So? What happened? Was your room fixed up like he said? I imagine it would be pretty hard to sleep with a rotting corpse in your bathroom!" Taka laughed, though considering the context, his humor was in pretty bad taste.

"Jesus, that's fucked up, man. Why would you say something like that?" Mondo said, calling the moral compass out for his insensitivity.

"My room was...spotless. There wasn't anything left." Makoto informed his fellow pears. "Like the whole thing...never happened."

"It must be tough staying there, knowing what happened. Why don't you just stay in Maizono's room?" Sakura suggested.

"Well...staying there, with her scent still hanging in the air... That would hurt just as much." Makoto said as he put his head down, though he would quickly lift it back up, eyes filled with determination. "Plus... I've decided that I can't turn away from her death..."

"N-Naegi..." Hina whispered. "Hey, cheer up! Getting depressed isn't gonna help anything, right? If we all work together, I'm sure we'll find a way out of here!" She optimistically smiled. "So everyone just...try and cheer up and get back on track!"

"...Is that honestly supposed to make us feel better?" Byakuya spoke up, cutting through her words like knifes on butter.


"That's ridiculous, Hina." Sora chimed in as she shook her head. "We were already "workin' together", if you could even call it that, and somebody still went behind our backs to commit murder. Anybody could betray us now."

"Indeed." Byakuya nodded in agreement. "Now that it's happened once, it's a question of when, not if, the next one takes place."

"Yeah, because M-Maizono made the first move..." Toko said with venom in her voice.

"..." Makoto stayed silent.

"B-But...if we work together against the mastermind, nobody'll have any reason to do something like that!" Hina argued.

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