Chapter 16: Searching The Third Floor

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(3rd Person's POV)


"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"

In Sora's room, the annoncement went off, but...





Snoring could be heard as the buxom blonde was still fast asleep. Looks like the class trial yesterday really tired her out...

The woman's hair was unkempt and messy. She wore nothing but a white tank top and lavender boxers. Her ahoge was also drooped down, as if it was also asleep.


Regardless, it looked like she's not gonna be waking up anytime soon...


Meanwhile, with the other students, the morning after the conclusion of the second class trial, everyone met up in the dining hall, just like always. And they expected it to start like any other day. But...

"Today's count kinda sucks, huh? Fukawa and Togami still refuse to show up..." Hiro lamented.

"And I haven't seen Miss Asahina or Miss Shirayuki anywhere." Hifumi pointed out.

"Hina said her stomach was hurting, so she's taking it easy in her room for today." Sakura spoke up. "However, I do not know where Shirayuki is. For all I know, she's probably staying in her room as well."

"That is rather unusual. Normally Hina is so full of energy, and Shirayuki, while she is laid-back, is usually one of the first people to attend." Celeste said.

"Which is exactly what makes me worry..." Sakura closed her eyes.

"So it's just the seven of us, then?" Kyoko asked.

"It looks that way..." Makoto lamented.

"It's times like this where the committee chairman needs to get things going with a BANG!" Hiro exclaimed, pointing straight at a certain moral compass.

"..." However, the said committee chairman didn't respond. In fact, he didn't even seem to be doing anything. He was just...staring at nothing.

"Or not...?"

Makoto looked at Taka with concern. He hasn't said a word since everything that happened yesterday... One look at his face showed he hadn't slept a wink last night. It must be because of Mondo...

The two of them became so close, and then he finds out Mondo killed Chihiro... And then...having to watch Mondo get...punished. And nothing he could do about it... Makoto couldn't even imagine what it must have done to him.

"So, I mean...what's gonna happen now?" Hifumi asked. "We haven't found any way out, and we have no idea if help's ever gonna come. Ngh! Now I'm all depressed just thinking about it..."

"We simply have to make the best of things--do our best to get along and live here together in peace." Celeste said with her usual smile. "Forget about the outside world, and accept this new life. That is the only hope we have now."

"What...? To live here forever...?" Makoto looked at her, baffled at her insistence of this option.

"Here we have every convenience. We have food, clothes, our every need is seen to. Why are you dissatisfied? In fact, let me ask you this? What is it about the outside world that you long for?" Celeste asked, her face contorting into something unsettling. "Competition, discrimination, victimization and violence... As society grows, so does its perversion. In which case, is our current situation not-"

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