Class Trial #3 Epilogue: The Queen Of Liars

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(3rd Person's POV)


"It's basically a formality at this point, but once again you're totally correct!" Monokuma exclaimed as he spread his arms open. "The blackened this time...the true killer who devised the whole stinkin' scheme, was... Celestia Ludenburg! Or more precisely...Taeko Yasuhiroooo!"

"I lost... Well, that sucks." Celeste sighed. Despite knowing what was going to happen, she treated the situation more like an inconvenience. "I guess trying to work with someone else was a mistake, after all. Yamada's ineptitude was beyond all my calculations."

"So you really did approach Yamada with this plan? But how did you get him to agree?" Kyoko interrogated. "I can't imagine he would have happily agreed to commit murder."

"I'm sure she relied on her specialty--lying." Byakuya assumed.

Celeste smirked. "My specialty? Don't make me laugh. I didn't have to lie to get him to agree."

"Then did you know...?" Kyoko asked.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what she meant. Alter Ego...

"I knew you'd figure it out, Kirigiri. You're absolutely right." Celeste nodded. "To get Yamaada to act as my accomplice... I used "her". For everyone who's still left, I'll avoid mentioning it by name, but it was the one thing Yamada and Taka were both super into."

"Does she mean...?" Makoto trailed off.

"What? What what what!? What are you talking about!?" Monokuma spoke up.

"Don't interrupt. We're in the middle of a very important conversation here." Kyoko said.

"I'm totally out of the loop, as usual. How sad..." Monokuma put his head down in sadness.

"Then you're the one that stole it?" Kyoko turned to Celeste.

"That's right."

"And you used it to drag Yamada into the plan you'd come up with."

"Right again. Last night, after we had our meeting about how it'd disappeared, I paid Yamada a little visit."


"Oh, um...what are you doing here?"

"I was hoping I could talk to you. Alone. It is about what was stolen. I know who did it..."

If Hifumi's eyes weren't covered by his classes, they probably be widened at this.


"It was Taka. He stole it."


"And I have proof. Would you like to see it?"

"As it turned out, I'd found a use for the digital camera. I'd taken you-know-what to Taka's room earlier and took pictures of it there. I deleted the picture as soon as I'd shown it to Yamada, of course."

"Grrn... So it WAS him! But how did he do it!? She was supposed to yell if either of us got close to her!"

"You are correct. Which is why Taka forced me to steal it."

Hifumi felt like someone punched the air out of him.


"Please forgive me. He...he threatened me."

"H-He did...?"

"He came to my room last night unannounced, and then... It's hard for me to even say... He...abused me..."

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