Chapter 30: Poisonous Possibilities

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(3rd Person's POV)

After heading out of the rec room, Sora sighed to herself. She's seen all that she needed to in the crime scene, where does she go...?

She began to walk around aimlessly around the fourth floor until she stopped. "Hm...maybe there's something in here." Sora said, turning to face the chemical lab.

Her mind made up, Sora pushed open the door and went inside. Once she did, the artist was greeted by the smell of random chemicals.

Thankfully, no one was there besides her. Good. That means she can get things done quickly...

Sora headed over to the shelves. It looks like three shelves have been connected together to make one giant shelf... But more importantly...

She leaned her upper body forward as she put her hands behind her back. Why is there all this powder in front of the shelves...?

"Well, whatever the case, I shouldn't step in it...don't wanna mess this up." Sora said.

She looked up and stood upright as she looked at the contents of the shelves. There are a bunch of dietary supplements and different medicines. The protein drink she found in the rec room probably came from this shelf... All the containers on this shelf are labeled with the letter A, and a number. So I guess she can consider this part of the shelving unit section A.

"Poyo? Hold the phone..."

There's one bottle here that's labeled CHEM C-9...! Who put this here...and why? Did someone just put it in there without paying attention...?

Sora looked to one of the other shelves. There are some reagents in there. They're a bunch of material used in experience to bring about a chemical reaction.

All the containers on this shelf are labeled with the letter B, and a number. So she supposes she could consider this part of the shelving unit section B.

But...other than that, there's nothing that could relate to the murder, so there's no reason to investigate it any further.

"Hm...Augh!" Taking a whiff, Sora's strong nose picked up the unpleasant smell of the third shelf. She groaned. It's nothing but lethal chemicals.

These look like poisons and other powerful chemicals. All the containers on this shelf are labeled with the letter C, and a number. So I guess I can consider this part of the shelving unit section C.

"But...maybe it's got somethin' useful for me." Sora mused as she investigated the section.

It looks like it's split into three sections. Section A has dietary supplements, section B has reagents, and section C has...lethal chemicals. Sakura must have gotten the protein powder from section A...

But in section A, there was a bottle of poison that must belong in section C. What's that doing there?

This doesn't seem right...

Truth Bullet: Chem Lab Shelf.

Sora would then look down at the powder. There's a broken bottle in front of the shelf. Is this where all the powder came from...? It looks like the bottle had a label on it-- CHEM C-4...

"Poyo..." Sora mused. "I doubt this was here before...which means...someone probably spilt it at the time of the incident..."

If what she's saying is correct, and it probably is, then this must be a clue.

Truth Bullet: Source Of The Powder

She then focused on the most important detail of the powder: All the footprints...

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