Class Trial #4: ...Suicide...?

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(3rd Person's POV)

Hina: N-No! It was me! I--! The poison--! Because... Because...! Because I killed her!

Sora: No, you didn't. Actually, nobody did. ...Well, nobody that's here, anyway...

Hina: Wh-What're you-?!

Byakuya: What the hell do you mean "nobody" killed her?!

Sora made her signature smug smirk. "The one that killed Sakura... The connection between Sakura and the poison, the unsolved mystery of the locked room... There's only one way to explain it!"






Chosen: Sakura Ogami



Sora: The only one who could've killed Ogami....was Ogami herself.

The blonde calmly pointed towards the now-dead Sakura's portrait. Everyone's eyes looked like they were going to bulge out of her eye sockets.

Hina: Gah...!

Byakuya: Wh-What...? The killer was...Ogami?

Hiro: Wait, so you're was suicide!?

Genocide Jill: I-I don't believe it! I don't believe it any more than I believe I can fly!

Makoto: I...I agree with Shirayuki. But...I can't believe it. Or rather, I don't want to believe it. But when you really think about it, everything matches up. Ogami went and got the poison. She barricaded herself in a room, and she drank it...all so she could end her own life. And that explains why we couldn't solve the mystery of the locked room.

Because, of course...​​​​​​​


-Monokuma forced her into the locker room

-Sakura wanted to create the locker room

-Byakuya created the locker room in secret



Makoto: ...The locked room mystery was created by Ogami.

Kyoko nodded in agreement.

Kyoko: I'm sure she locked herself in so nobody could stop her from doing what she did. She sat there, drank the poison, and breathed her last breath... And the empty bottle of poison rolled around the locked room, until we came and opened it. At that point, someone grabbed the bottle and snuck it out of the room.

She pointed towards a certain swimmer, who flinched.

Kyoko: And that was you, wasn't it Hina?

Hina: Ng...gaah...

Kyoko: You did it to throw off the investigation, didn't you? When we found her body, you stayed right there near the door. Because you already knew Ogami was dead, and because the bottle of poison had rolled near the doorway.

Makoto: That's when you picked up the bottle, right? I was too shocked to notice anything, and Kirigiri was busy checking the body...

Kyoko: And the more I think about it, the more I realize how unusual your actions were.

Ultimate Life Or Death Despair Game (Danganronpa THH X Fem! OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant