Chapter 5 - The Altman-Hunt Wedding

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Owen and Teddy's wedding is a week away. Owen finds out that Meredith and Hayes both don't have any "plus one". Well, their kids are obviously coming but that doesn't count because they were technically invited with Mer and Hayes.

"Hey, do you know who else doesn't have a date to the wedding?" Owen asks.

"Why? Are you asking me out?" Hayes joked in that wonderful accent.

"No..." Owen chuckled. "Meredith Grey" he finished.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Hayes said.

"Why not? You're both single. Both... surgeons? I- that's all I got." Owen stated.
"Why don't you just ask her as a friend. As... as... two single friends not going on a date to a wedding. As friends." said Owen.

"Would you stop bothering me about this?" Hayes says.

"Possibly..." said Owen.

"Fine. As friends." Hayes says.


"Hey, Dr. Grey..." Hayes says.

"We've know each other long enough. Please, call me Meredith." she says.

"Right... Meredith, would you like to go to the wedding with me as two friends? So people don't think we're lonely." Hayes suggests.

"Sure!" she says with a huge smile.

"Okay! I'll pick you up at 2." he says with a smile that Mer's smile caused.


Meredith and Hayes arrive at the wedding together. All 7 of them. Meredith's 3 kids, Cormac's 2 kids, and then of course. Meredith goes to help Teddy get ready while Hayes helps fix the venue.

"So, Mer, who's your plus one?" Teddy asks.

"Why are you people so interested in my love life?" Mer asks.

"Because people want to know. Because we care for you. Now, it's my wedding so... please tell me" Teddy says.

There was silence for a couple of seconds. Amelia and Maggie were also in the room and we interested to hear if Hayes had the courage to ask her out and bring her to the wedding.

"Cormac. As friends of course." Meredith replies.

"Like Cormac Hayes?" Maggie asks.

"Well how many other 'Cormac's' do you know?" asked Meredith.

"Meredith, Ellis was running around and she fell... she's fine but... she wants her mother." Link says.

Meredith leaves

"Why didn't Hayes just ask her out." Amelia asks.

"Wait so you guys know too?" Link asks the three women.

"Know what?" asks Teddy.

"You don't- oh my god... I thought- Owen would've told you..." Amelia says.

"Tell me what?" Teddy asks.

"Hayes likes Meredith." Maggie says

"You didn't hear this from us." Amelia says

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