Chapter 12 - Meredith...

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Hayes POV
Today's the day. Today's the day I'm going to tell Meredith Grey that I like her. That I have feelings for her and ask her out on an actual date.

It was kinda obvious now that everyone who knew about my feelings have been trying to set us up. Both their tries failed... the first one a bit more yet a bit less than the second. I'm deciding to put a stop to this and just ask her out. How hard could that be?


We're on a case together. When we're alone will be the perfect time... the question is when will that be?

We went into surgery together and talked about our usual stuff. Being single parents, work, Dr. Yang, etc. I wanted to ask her out right there in the OR just to get everything over with. But nurses, interns, anesthesiologists, and residents filled the room. There was too much people for me to say anything.

Meredith and I were the last to people to scrub out. This was perfect. I could finally tell her.

"Dr Grey..." I said before I paused.

She waited a couple seconds to see if I would finish what I began to say. "What? Is something up?" she asked.

"Uh no. I was just going to say 'good job in there'..." I said back.

She gave me that took she gives. That look of when she doesn't believe what a person just told her but doesn't say anything because they obviously don't want to talk about it anymore.

"Okay..." she said before leaving to room.

I chickened out. It was a perfect time! Maybe I do need their help? No, they locked us in a room thinking that we'll have sex or something. They're taking things too fast. Maybe Meredith likes fast? What if she doesn't? You know what I'm just gonna tell her the next time I get a chance. I'm not going to chicken out. I don't need help... at all...

hours later

I was walking towards the exit of the building to head home to my children. I didn't see Dr Grey for the rest of the day so that's a bummer- never mind. She's outside. Probably about to go home to her children as well.

"Dr Grey!" I yell to get her attention.

She stops walking as I jog toward her.

"Yes?" she asks as I stand in front of her.

"Okay... well... here we go I guess... Dr Grey I-" I say before she cuts me off.

"I told you. When we're not working, call me Meredith."

"Meredith... I... I haven't done this. Not since Abigail."

"Wait..." she says.

"Let me finish." I say.
"I like you. I've had a thing for you since... I don't know but a long time. Before you even got covid. Now, I don't know if you feel the same way as me... but if you do... I would like to have dinner with you sometime... maybe tomorrow at that Italian place by Joe's?" I finish.

Meredith's POV
I stare at him for a second before I speak again.
"I... never knew you felt this way. Okay that might have been a lie." I say before it falls silent again.
"Sure. That Italian place by Joe's sounds good." I finally say to break the awkward silence.


"But tomorrow doesn't... maybe... Friday?"

"Friday is perfect." he responds before we both walk to our cars and drive home.

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