Locked - Part 2

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15 minutes later

Meredith's POV
"I don't think Teddy's coming back." I say as I lay on a bed in the room.

"Neither do I." Hayes responds while sitting on the other bed.

"Why do you think she locked the door? Does she think we'll have sex or something?" I ask as I roll onto my side to face him.

"I don't know... I don't think so..." Hayes responds, not looking so sure about his answer...

We sat and laid there for what felt like forever in silence.

"Say something." I finally say.

"What?" Hayes replies.

"Say something. Anything. I can't lay here in silence before going insane much longer." I say.

"Um... what was it like? The whole 'covid patient' thing? Did you see anything unusual? Because that's what a couple of my ex-covid patients saw." Hayes asked.

"Well, I was on a beach."

"A beach? Like sand and water??" he asks.

"Yes, like 'sand and water'." I say before we went quiet again.

"I saw people on the beach. People I know... who died." I say to break the silence.

"What? Like who?" he asked while sitting up.

"I- my husband, sister, two of my good friends..." I say before he cuts me off.

"Wait- you have another sister??" Hayes asked.

"Yeah, Lexie... I loved her... she was always so goofy and was amazing with Zola. She died in the plane crash..." I replied while tears formed in my eyes.

"What about your two friends? What were they like?"

"Well, their names are George and Mark. George was an intern with Cristina and I. He was so sweet. You know he jumped in front of a  bus to save a woman's life. That's how he died. Well and Mark... we were the 'dirty mistresses'."


"Yeah. Turns out when I first started dating my husband he was married... he moved to Seattle after his wife cheated on him with his best friend, Mark... it's- a long story." I replied as I sat up so we could look into each others eyes.
"I also saw dead DeLuca and him run up to his dead mother."

"Really?" he asked in shock.

"Mhm. And I saw Bailey, Webber, well and you."

Hayes' POV
We have been in this room for about 2 hours now. Starting random conversations about ever 10 minutes or so. Then we finally heard the door rattle.

"Sorry the lock got jammed." Teddy said after opening the door.

"Oh thank god. My shift ended an hour ago." Meredith said as she walked out.

I soon started to go out as well.

"Hey wait, did... anything happen?" Dr. Altman asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Did you guys... kiss or anything? Or confess your love?"

"No, why- oh..."

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