Chapter 13 - Friday

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Hayes' POV
It is finally Friday. It feels like I've been waiting for this day forever when really it was just 3 days.


I keep seeing Meredith everywhere. Every time we bump into each other it's always so awkward. The patients, their families, doctors, and nurses have been looking at us weirdly. They've been whispering at each other whenever I would walk by, especially the nurses.

Meredith's POV
"Why'd you page me? And why'd you page me here?" I asked as I close the door to the on call room.

"We have to stop running into each other. Or at least act normal when we do." he began to say.
"People are looking at us weirdly. And I don't know about you but for the first few dates, I would like to keep us a secret." Hayes finishes.

"First few dates? So you think tonight's gonna go well? There's gonna be more?" I say back with a light smirk.

"Well, I- I don't know. We just need to stop acting awkward around each other." he says back.
"So I'll pick you up at 7?" he asked.

I nodded before he left the room.

I wait about 10 minutes before I left as well.


"Hey, Mer. Where are you going?" Maggie asks me.

"She's going on a date, obviously." Amelia replies.

"No, I'm not!" I say back.

"Yes, you are! You're wearing high heels. They're not that high but, what mother of 3 would wear heels when they're just going out and about?" Amelia responds.

Maggie gasped and said, "Ohhhhh my goooooddd!!!! Who is it? Who is it? WHO IS IT?!"

I shrugged me shoulders.

"Do we know them??? Is it Dr. Hayes???" Maggie said, hoping for an actual answer.

"I don't know. Do you know them?" I say before reaching for the doorknob before I stopped.
"Wait, why would Dr. Hayes ask me out?" I say back.

"Oh... um... I... well..." Maggie stumbled

"She wants to be the one that was correct. The party where she said that you and Hayes would be perfect. She wants to be correct..." Amelia said and saved it. I thought nothing of it.

"Well, the kids are asleep. Minus Zozo who is finishing some homework." I say before existing the house.
"But make sure she's in bed before I get home!" I yell as the door is already closed.

I walked towards his car and see him standing outside, waiting to open the passenger seat door to his car for me.

(cliffhanger 😜)
(also sorry I didn't update the other day- I thought I pressed 'publish' but apparently I didn't)

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