Chapter 17 - The Red Head

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(btw this part is like semi [truck 🤩 bye bye der bear 😜 sorry] confirmed but like the storyline isn't- YOU'LL SEE WHAT I MEAN [I hope])

Hayes' POV
By this point I think everyone in the hospital knows about Meredith and I. Well, she doesn't know that everyone knows which may be a problem soon.

I see her talking to Richard then a red headed woman comes up behind him and scared the both of them. Then I see them both hug the redhead.

I walk closer to them to try and figure out if I know who this woman is.

"Hi. Do I know you?" I asked.

"No, I don't think you quite do yet. I'm Dr Montgomery. Addison Montgomery." she said.

"Oh! You're a doctor?"

"Yes, OB/GYN surgeon to be more specific." she said.

"Or Satan..." Meredith said jokingly.

"How many times do I have to tell you people that I prefer to be called Ruler Of All That Is Evil??!!" Dr Montgomery said which made all three of them laugh. "And you are....?" she added.

"Oh, right. Dr Cormac Hayes. Peds." I said while putting my hand out to shake. We shook each others hands and smiled.

"So what's up with all the hell or whatever talk?" I asked. All three of them looked at each other and paused for a second.

Addison's POV
"Are you sure you want to hear all this?" Meredith asked the very much bald man with one eyebrow raised.

Dr Hayes nodded.

"Well, you may need to sit down first." Richard said pointing to some seats with his eyes.

We sat down and I began to explain everything.


"Does that make sense??" I asked.

"I- yes? You were married to Derek, cheated on him with his best friend, he moved here, met Meredith, they started dating and were all happy and whatever, then you showed up, Derek decided to try and fix his marriage so he left Dr Grey, but then you two broke up because he obviously loved her, did I get most of it?" Hayes asked.

"That sounds about correct!" I said before I hopped back up and began to walk away with Meredith for a case.

Richard's POV
"Does she know?" I asked.

"Who know what now?" Dr Hayes said. He was obviously still kind of processing what Addison just told him.

"Does Meredith know that people know about you two?"

"I don't-" he responded while looking down.

"I'm not the type of man to tell another man what to do but, you should probably tell her before someone else does. It's better it comes from you." I said before patting his shoulder and walking away.

(like I was saying earlier... we know that Addi is coming back and that her and Mer will probably do a surgery together [telling from some pictures] but obviously none of this Hayes storyline or whatever isn't confirmed... that's what I meant... so yeah have a nice day, night, whatever... AND THE GREYS AND STATION 19 SEASON PREMIERE IS TMR- LIKE OMFG YES PLS??!!!)

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