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"i swear on the heavens themselves.. i will kill you, y/n."

"ohhh, is that so?" y/n grinned, appearing next to the angered man.

he was supposed to be the strongest, the one everyone could rely on to fix their problems and the one that was supposed to take care of his own.

so why couldn't he recognize the problem that was in front of him all along?

"you seem confused.. i'm in a good mood! let's just chat for a little while!" y/n suggested brightly, purposefully aggravating the 'most powerful sorcerer' of this era, simply for the hell of it.

without saying a word, gojo fired off one of his cursed techniques at y/n, who paid no mind to it, and let it hit her.

to his surprise, nothing had happened to her.

"reversal techniques are like positive cursed energy. so to cancel them out, we just use the opposite. it's common sense, really. i just used a negative technique the exact moment your technique hit me." she shrugged, explaining it cooly.

"let me tell you something, and you should listen well, i don't enjoy repeating myself."

"i was brought into this world during the golden age of jujutsu, when the standards of jujutsu were so high, you would be considered among the weakest of the weak back then."

"my father, was named the strongest of that era. can you imagine, the vastness in strength, now that you're aware of that?" y/n questioned.

"you're considered the strongest now, but that just goes to show how the quality of jujutsu sorcerers has dropped so tremendously."

"being the child of the strongest; and knowing everything he does, do you really believe you, nothing but a pathetic stone in my path, can kill me?"

she started to laugh manically, and gojo said nothing, keeping his hands in tight fists next to his body. he didn't care about you or listening to you, but you were giving him valuable information. so he listened, going against his typical characteristic instinct to simply get up and ignore you. he felt he owed it at least to his deceased student, that he do everything he can for justice.

y/n's laughter only grew more hysterical, her arm covering the top half of her face, as she laughed through her teeth, her sharp fangs on display.

she pulled her hand down, smirking cockily, revealing her taunting eyes.

"i'd love to see you try killing me. i'll send you up to join that girl the moment you do." she grinned.

gojo lost it at that. he couldn't handle her taunting his student's death in his face like that, like he had failed.

he had failed to protect his student, but he swore he wouldn't fail to kill this women.

by any means necessary.

he got up and tried to make a grab for her, only to find her gone.

"oh, wow! time sure does fly by when you're having fun, huh?" y/n said.

"well then, we'll talk again soon! bye-bye!~"

and before gojo could even do a thing, she was gone.

vanished into thin air, like she was never there.

but he knew better than anyone, that wasn't true.

"hey cho—"

before y/n could continue her sentence, she stopped short in surprise to find none other than her father's vessel there, arguing with mahito about something, both of them looking bloodied and battered, as though they had just been fighting.

as soon as itadori noticed y/n, he spoke.



"... and now, it feels like i'm all alone again."

itadori stopped fighting, his voice losing the fight it had, and he seemed void of the spirit that made him so noticeable.

there was a long moment of silence, before a voice cut through it like a hot knife through butter.

"do you know what death is?" y/n questioned, her expression vacant, but a nearly undetectable trace of underlying emotion could be felt.

itadori's eyes darkened, and he seemed to lose his light as he answered.

"when a person dies.. they're gone. they have no hope of ever coming back, and everything you've ever known with them dies alongside."

"it's not quite like that. death is when a person's soul leaves the body and leaves this world, no hope of returning to the same body with it's memories or personality." y/n said.

"so? what's the difference. they're both gone, doesn't matter how you put it." itadori replied, face growing emptier as he spoke each word.

it looked like the life and love was draining out of him as each word passed his lips.

"if a soul does not leave the earth, it can still be brought back with a body and the person will be back to normal. it's basically like resurrection."

itadori seemed to gain some emotion at this, and stared at you in confusion and dormant hope, awaiting confirmation that what you were insinuating was in fact true.

"however, she is in fact, still dead. i don't care enough to save weaklings like her. the game wouldn't be fun if i only have weak pieces." y/n grinned.

itadori's face fell, as if his entire life had just been stepped on and crushed to pieces, delicate as glass and unsalvageable, broken and never to be repaired again, not without the lines and cracks a reminder of it's once shattered past.

"if that's all, i'll be escorting you out. bye-bye!" y/n said, as if stepping on the glass even more, turning the shards into dust.

and without even lifting her hands, she teleported him back to wherever the world he was before he came to their hideout, simultaneously erasing his memories of the location of the hideout, but leaving the memories of what happened inside of it untouched.

she had used two techniques at once successfully within the quick succession of a fraction of a second, further demonstrating the disparity in strength between the jujutsu sorcerers of then and now.

mahito fixed his body into place as he walked over, turning his weird spears and whatever else he had used to fight itadori back into his limbs.

"why did you lie to him? wouldn't it be better if he and your father know?" mahito said, as he walked over.

"there's no point in telling one or the other, they'd find out either way. they do share a mind, you know." y/n replied.

"what do we lose by telling them, though?" mahito pressed further.

"we lose future leverage." she replied vaguely.

"humans place a lot of faith and judgement in their emotions and instincts. in some strange way, they're more primal than the animals they eat. they place so much value on sentiments and emotions, it makes them so easy to manipulate."

"which is why, as long as i have her, she's mine to use, mine to control, and mine to manipulate."

𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐍𝐀'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑 | 𝘨. 𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora