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several hours had passed since y/n had brought their mother back to the house, and she hadn't left her room since.

she sat silently, contemplating what to do.

"i suppose i could use her for that.. but even i recognize that to be far too cruel..." y/n thought to herself.

"ah well. wasting time does me no good."

walking out in the streets, without hiding her cursed energy, was a bold move on y/n's part, what with the strongest sorcerer alive looking for her.

but she was not wandering the streets carelessly. she had a plan set in motion, and she would make sure that it came true. it had to.

she had been fortunate enough not to inconvenience herself by running into other sorcerer pests, but a few curses had the misfortune to run into her, and she exorcized them without even trying, simply walking by them and them being burnt by the concentration of her cursed energy.

paying no mind to the pathetic pebbles in her path, she continued until she reached an area known as "the deadzone".

the deadzone was known for having a lack of cell connection and was extremely isolated from the rest of the city, and was a common dumping ground for the aftermath of violent crimes. nobody dared enter this area unless they were leaving behind unwanted baggage.

making it the ideal location for y/n to execute a crucial part of her plan. she needed the extra cursed energy she'd gain by being in a city of humans, and she needed this item for her plan to work.

"matter manipulation: construct"

a light fog appeared, before slowly shaping itself into the vague shape of a human.

it slowly gained layers, changing from fog, then beginning to form into bones, gaining layers and layers until it eventually resembled a human body without skin.

the features resembled a woman's, though, so at least that was done.

now was the tricky part. y/n had to reconstruct the woman's face from memory alone, then insert the soul into the body she created.

"okay, now matter manipulation: reconstruct"

a layer of pale skin appeared around the layers of bone and blood, then came the distinct short brown hair and brown eyes, followed by the woman's sharp nose. her features sharpened, gaining more detail, before her face was fully recognizable and an exact match.

"wow, i've really outdone myself here!" y/n said with a smirk.

now finally, the moment of truth.

she lowered the soul of the woman into the body, carefully making sure the soul didn't dissipate or shatter from being placed in the wrong body.

it lowered into her, sinking into her body, until the faint glow of the soul became invisible to the human eye once again.

after a moment, the soul attached itself to the created body, before slightly adjusting it to match its original shape.

the woman was still passed out, and she would be for another few days, and in the mean time, y/n would get to work on altering the girl's memories.

"oh, before that, i should get her changed. wouldn't want her walking around in that jujutsu tech uniform."

𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐍𝐀'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑 | 𝘨. 𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶Where stories live. Discover now