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Aria crouched behind Tommy's bed defense, slowly breaking it block by block to destroy his only hope of survival. 

The chat was going off. The viewer count had risen to 5000 people, probably coming over from Tommy's stream in the hope that she would take him out. 


She could hear Tommy yell 'shit' as he hurried over to Aria's base. Her bed was covered in endstone.

Tubbo was laughing, most likely at the fact that Tommy was utterly screwed. 

"Tubbo! Now is not the time for laughter. I've gotta beat this guy!"

"Don't you mean girl" Tubbo chuckled.

Tommy's eyes grew wide. "Wha-"

He hesitated. That moment of hesitation was all Aria needed.

She smacked him with her sword, not once but twice, and - just as Tommy turned to face her - a third time. 

TommyInnit was killed by aRiaPlaYs

"YESSS" Aria screamed at the top of her lungs. She could hear Tommy cursing, shouting at Tubbo. 

"You distracted me!"

"You were beaten by a woman, you were beaten by a woman", Tubbo chanted gleefully.

Chat was going wild. 


Whoop whoop


hes gonna be so mad oml



Still so caught up in reading the chat, Aria didn't notice that Tommy and Tubbo had gone quiet. Tommy was clicking his mouse and tapping his keyboard rather furiously.

Beaming, Aria went to load up another round.

Wanna join a call? :)

Aria opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

The TommyInnit wanted to call her? 

"Um, sure" she managed to squeak out before covering her eyes. Good thing she didn't use a face cam, because the chat would have been able to see how nervous she was.

After a few moments, a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts.


Tommy's voice boomed.

"Hullo!" Tubbo's voice followed.

Is this actually happening right now? Aria thought to herself.

"Yes it is, woman! You'd better believe it" Tommy screamed into the microphone.

Shit. She said that out loud.

She finally plucked up the courage to say something.

"So how does it feel to be beaten by a woman at your favourite game, TommyInnit?" She asked with a smile.

He huffed loudly. "Well, I wouldn't say beaten..."

"What else would you call being killed in Bedwars then?"

"Good question. I'm gonna call it... cheating." Tommy snickered.

"Excuse me", mock accusation filled her voice "but I would NEVER cheat. You're just trying to divert the focus away from the fact that you lost!" she stated, triumphantly. 

No way was he gonna win this arguement.

"Ok, you got me there. Wait, I just realised something!" he exclaimed.

My god this kid is so loud, she thought.

"What Tommy?!" Tubbo's voice echoes.

"Are you Australian?" Tommy asks curtly.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Aria didn't advertise her nationality that often.

"Your accent! G'day mate, would ya like some shrimp on tha barbie?" he yelled into the screen.

"First of all, mate, we don't have shrimp - we have prawns! And secondly..." Aria paused.

"Yeah...?" Tommy, stifling a laugh, asked.

"That was the worst Australian accent I think I've ever heard!" Aria started chuckling.

She could hear Tommy laughing manically, and Tubbo was wheezing, strugglng to breathe through his laughter.

Fairly soon, the three were almost on the floor with laughter, and Aria could feel the sides of her mouth beginning to ache.

The start of a new friendship.


They continued to chat, finishing their streams after a little while. Layla had popped her head in to see Aria, who smiled and waved her out of the room. Rolling her eyes, Layla went to get herself something to eat.

"You are fucking awesome - and I don't ever say that about women!" Aria could hear his smile as he said it.

"Mildly sexist, but I'll take it!" Aria giggled.

"Tommy, they're in a call" Tubbo quietly pointed out.

"Oh, ok. Um. We should probably go to that then..." he said relunctantly.

Who's they, Aria wondered.

"Uh, yeah. Ok..." Aria murmured.

"Actually, you know what? Come into the call with us!"

"Maybe-" Tubbo started.

"Are you sure, Tommy?" Aria asked tentitavly.


Aria was taken into a call, and suddenly a bunch of voices started talking at once.

Someday Soon (A MCYT STORY)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें