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Aria woke to the sound of her phone pinging and her stomach rumbling.

She had been so wrapped up in talking to the boys yesterday that she had completely forgotten to eat.

The sun shone through the lacy curtains, its rays dappling light over the wooden floors. There was a quiet knock on the door, followed by Layla's voice.

"Aria, are you awake?"

Pulling her hair into a loose bun, she invited Layla in. Layla had a tray in her hands, with what looked like left-over Chinese food. It was like she could read Aria's mind.

"I could hear your stomach rumbling from my bedroom - as well as your phone going off like crazy. Someone's popular today..." she gave Aria a knowing smile.

Aria just murmured in agreement. 

"Is the pinging from your new friends from last night?" Layla asked as she glanced at the screen.

"How'd you know?"

"I just saw a tonne of random numbers on your phone, so either you're being scammed or you haven't gotten around to putting in contact details yet..." she chuckled lightly.

"The latter - I don't want to look just yet because I met so many new people. I can't quite keep up!" Aria joked half-heartedly.

"Just do it! It's nice to see you make other friends."

Aria huffed in response, picking up the phone. The messages filled the screen.

The Pissbabies - 17 new messages

XXX-XXX-XXX - 2 new messages

XXX-XXX-XXX - 3 new messages

XXX-XXX-XXX - 1 new message

XXX-XXX-XXX - 1 image

XXX-XXX-XXX - 5 new messages

XXX-XXX-XXX - 3 new messages

She was expecting a few messages, but not that many. She thought that these YouTubers would have busier lives!

"Shit that is a lot!" Layla exclaimed. "Welp, I'll leave you to it! See ya later!"

She left the room, ponytail swinging as per usual.

Aria sighed as she began to go through her phone. She couldn't help but feel a trickle of excitement at the thought of having new people in her life.

The Pissbabies

Dream Where did you find her, Tommy?

Georgeyeah i gotta know your secrets

QuackityI already know we are going to be best friendssss!!


Wilbur - can we stream with her? please?

Techno - As in the SMP? Dream?

Dream - Yes! 

If she wants to...

Tubbo - I wanna stream with her first!!!!!!!!

Someday Soon (A MCYT STORY)Where stories live. Discover now