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It was the morning of her date with Techno. She had been getting ready for most of the morning. She had just put on a light pink dress and was finishing her hair when she heard a knock on the door of Clay's room.

Techno stood there, hands fidgeting as he pushed his dark hair out of his eyes.

"Um, hey Techno... What are you doing here?" She put the hair straightener to the side.

He bit his lip slightly. "I was hoping just to chat with you if that's alright?"

"Sure, why don't you sit down whilst I finish my hair?" Aria, watched him in the mirror.

He sat on the edge of her bed, looking up to her. He took a deep breath.

"Ok, I'm just going to say it... I love you, Ari. But I love you in a way a friend should, and I know that some of my actions may have led you to believe otherwise because I really thought I had feelings for you, but in reality, I just enjoy your company, and I know you are struggling with the whole Clay and Wilbur situation, now just seemed like the best time to tell you, and I hope we can still go out today, but strictly as friends." he sighed, happy to get it off his chest.

A huge wave of relief rolled over her. "I am so glad you just said that. I feel the same way, and I didn't know how I was gonna let you down easily."

"Oh... thank god!" He said, forcing a laugh.

She chuckled lightly. "Great, so we can just hang out today! This will be fun!"

"Alright, I will leave you to get ready..." Techno murmured on his way out.


Techno had planned a day at the beach for the both of them, which Aria couldn't wait for. She LOVED the beach. Something about the feeling of sand, slipping between your toes and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore just filled her up with this unexplainable joy. 

She and Techno hopped out of the car, running across the sand to reach the water.

She kicked off her shoes and splashed him with the salty spray of the sea.

He laughed, kicking so much water towards her that the bottom half of her dress was soaked.

She grabbed his arm and pulled him into the water with her, both fully clothed, but now the fabric clung to their bodies. 

He came up from the surf, shaking his head so that the tiny droplets that clung to his hair sprayed all over her.

She giggled, trying to copy him, but ended up looking more like a drowned rat than anything.

He let out a roar of laughter, his smile reaching his eyes.

She was beaming, the sun shining down on the both of them made her eyes sparkle.


Techno watched her prance around in the water.

Her dress hung to every curve on her body. Her hair, even though it was wet, still sat beautifully on her shoulders, framing her face. Her eyes were big. He could see the little golden flakes dance around in them. Her cheeks were flushed, from the laughter, and her lips were stretched wide, forming the grin he loved so much. Too much.

Aria had been having a tough time. She had gotten so much hate from viewers, he didn't want to fuel the fire. He didn't want to hurt her.

So if that meant that he had to sit on the sideline and allow her to get with either Clay or Wilbur, he would do so, if it meant that she was happy.

It meant that he would have to be her friend. And only her friend. He shouldn't admire her beauty in the way that a boyfriend would. He shouldn't see her like that. 

But he couldn't help it. 

Because everytime she smiled at him, he fell more irrevocably, and hopelessly, in love with her.

A/N - Techno fans, I love you guys. This is just the way it had to be <3 

Please forgive me!

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