- 24 - (Final Part)

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The opaque grey clouds hung low in the sky, threatening to rain on anyone that dared walk beneath them. There weren't many cars on the cobbly streets, the middle of the day ensured that everyone was couped up in their offices. The grass that lined the footpath was a lush green, something only achieved after relentless watering. The wind was like ice, blowing Aria's hair in all directions and stinging her flushed cheeks.

She walked up the concrete steps to the front door, raising her hand to knock.

The past ten months had gone so quickly. She and Wilbur face-timed every day religiously. She seemed to fall even more in love with him every time she saw his smile. 

She and Clay had become good friends again, solely because he was about to celebrate his six-month anniversary with George, who was living with him. 

Sapnap moved out, and in, with Karl, who had won one of Mr Beast's challenges and bought himself a house.

Techno had come to visit, and he and Layla had really hit it off. 

Alex had now passed George in subscribers on Youtube and was getting close to Dream's 24 million.

Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo had been dominating Twitch and were now in charge of running the monthly MCC.

Speaking of Tommy, she could hear his voice faintly from behind the door. Good. He had kept Wilbur at home as she planned.

She brought her hand down, knocking on the door.

"I'll get it!" 

She had forgotten how thick his accent was in person.

Wilbur flung the door open. His hair was dishevelled, his glasses perched on the top of his nose. His dark eyes widened at the sight of her.

"Oh my god, Ari!"

He picked her up, swinging her around. She planted a kiss on his lips.

He smiled, kissing her back.

"WOMAN!" Tommy yelled.

She chuckled, unable to keep the grin from her face.

Wilbur set her down but pulled her into a tight hug.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And, alas, it was as if everything in the world fell into place.

-- the end --

A/N - That's it, guys! Thank you to everyone who has supported this story, not only on Wattpad but on Tiktok too! Follow me lovelylou573 (my tiktok is the same name <3)

Am I getting lowkey emotional that the story is over? Maybe. But that's beside the point...

Little shoutout to my favourite commenter, imquiteswaggyand my biggest supporter, yummytoast2

You guys are seriously the best!

Love you all so much, thanks for reading and I sincerely hope you enjoyed!

Hopefully more to come soon!


Update: Go check out my new story, *Starbound* // DNF

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