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The trip to Florida was all anyone could talk about.

Aria was so excited. Between texting Wil, calling Techno and face timing Clay at night, she could not wait to see them in reality. 

Today was finally the day. 

She had all her bags packed, and Layla was driving her to the airport. Her flight was a long one, but it was worth it. Clay had upgraded her tickets to Business Class, which was incredibly nice of him, and he and the boys were going to be waiting at the airport to pick her up in this minivan that he had hired. Wil was due to arrive about 10 minutes before her, which was really good timing.

She and Layla had arrived at the airport. The announcement for boarding her flight came over the loudspeaker.

"Alright, that's me!" Aria said brightly

Layla smirked. "Be safe, don't do anything I wouldn't!"

"No promises..." she let out a lopsided grin.

Layla chuckled. "Come here", swooping Aria into a tight hug.

"Bye, see you in three weeks!" Aria turned on her heel and walked towards the terminal.


She had been sleeping for ages when she woke up from the sun peeking through her window.

The golden rays broke through the clouds, her hair sparkling in the light.

She watched a couple of movies before they landed, and she had to board her second flight. Still a few hours to go - now was probably a good time to assess her love life.

She had feelings for Wil, Techno AND Clay. They were the messages she looked for every morning, and she had been waking up to Clay's face every morning for the past 2 weeks. 

Maybe she felt closer to Clay, but she hadn't given Wil and Techno the same chance to get to know her. He had seen her face, after all.

Another thing to worry about. All the boys seeing her face for the first time. She'd done her best to make herself look presentable, but 20 hours on a plane kinda ruins that. She delved back into her boy troubles.

Wil was so kind to her, and it was easy to have fun around him. He was the first to introduce himself when she got onto the call and seemed to have a lot of respect for her. Plus, he can sing and is pretty cute, so that's a bonus!

Techno did everything in his power to make sure she was ok, his sarcastic nature failing to hide the care that he felt towards her. She didn't know what he looked like, but they had similar interests and his loyalty was unmatched.

Clay was really sweet. Breaking that cocky barrier to reveal his soft side was what made her truly enjoy his company. They were close, and she trusted him fully. He is also extremely attractive, and his confidence was addictive.

"We are preparing to land in Orlando, Florida. Please ensure your seatbelt is on, and thank you for flying with us today!" The loudspeaker interrupted her thoughts.

She had arrived!


As she stepped off the plane she checked her phone.

Wil  - 2 new messages

Clay - 2 new messages

She checked Clay's first.


We are waiting outside terminal 4 for you

You'll find us xx

just landed, ill be out soon x

Can't wait!

Obviously, Wil has just landed, so he's probably met up with the guys.


I hope you know that we are going on a date...

This is me asking you out :)

Can we get ice cream?

Of course! 

Is that a yes?

definitely! :)


She smiled at her phone and went to grab her suitcase.

A/N I know this chapter kinda sucked, it's just a filler chapter - shit's about to go down!

Also, we hit 100 reads! That's nuts! Thanks so much, guys - please don't be quiet readers, I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments <3

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