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Aria eyelids fluttered open. 

She had pushed the covers off her during the night.

She had been hot, considering Wil had his arms, wrapped around her, clutching her like a teddy bear. 

She moved slightly, readjusting her position. Wilbur slept peacefully beside her. 

Sleeping with Wil was different to sleeping with Clay. Wil's arms were comfortable, safe.

She could see herself waking up next to him for the rest of her life.

"Good morning, luv..." he murmured, still drowsy with sleep.

"Good morning Wil..." She turned over to face him, moving a piece of fluffy hair from his eyes.

He smiled, sighing. "I could get used to seeing your face every morning..."

She grinned, moving in closer to peck him on the lips. She drew away, but he grabbed her, pulling her into a deeper kiss.

She smiled against his lips.

"Wil, I'm coming to grab my stu-, never mind, I'm leaving!" Techno left as quickly as he'd walked in, shielding his eyes from his best friend making out with the girl he was in love with.

They had asked if he would room with Clay last night. He hadn't questioned it, but now he knew why.

"Sorry Techno!" Wil shouted, chuckling.

"You can come back!" Aria giggled.

"Are you sure? I don't wanna see anything that I don't have to!" Techno shouted back, grimacing in the hallway.

"I promise it's ok!" Wil answered.

"What is all this shouting about?" A half-dressed, bleary-eyed Sapnap emerged from his room. Karl, flustered with messy hair, followed timidly.

Techno glanced over at them. "Sorry guys, I just caught Ari and Wilbur with their tongues down each other's throats. Wait, why do you both look so sheepish?"

Karl looked at Sapnap. "Um, no reason..."

"Oh my god... you two? SERIOUSLY? WHY CAN'T EVERYONE JUST KEEP IT IN THEIR PANTS?" Techno shook his head.

Aria and Wilbur stood at the door of their room, laughing.

Sapnap was bright red, Karl avoiding all eye contact.

"What is going on out here?!" Clay whined sleepily.

"Aria and Wil, Karl and Sapnap... I need to poke my eyes out!" Techno groaned.

A flash of jealousy crossed Clay's face. "Of course. Fucking hell." He stomped back into his room, slamming the door.

"Holy shit you guys are loud!" Alex and George chimed in.

"Well, now that we are all here... and Clay already knows... Wil and I are officially dating!" Aria beamed.

Wilbur interlaced his fingers with hers, gazing down at her with such fondness that she almost melted on the spot.

 "I could have figured that out..." Techno muttered.

"Um, Karl and I are dating too actually, and have been for a while..." Sapnap said quietly.

"Oh my god! I knew it!" George danced around excitedly.

"YES FINALLY!!!" Alex cheered.

"Celebratory pancakes, anyone?" Wil asked, looking around gleefully.

Aria wrapped her arms around his waist.

The trip was coming to an end soon, and she wanted to savour each and every moment.


"Ok, are you ready to go live, luv?" Wil with her, playing with her hair.

Aria was going to stream for the first time since the Twitter incident happened.

"It's now or never..."

She hopped onto the SMP, greeted by Tommy and Tubbo.

"Long time no see, WOMAN!" Tommy screamed into his microphone. 

"Welcome back Aria!" Tubbo joined in.

She had missed this.

"Hello, boys! Wil's here too."

"'Ello guys!"

"Ooo, are you and Wilby together yet?"

"Tommy, shut up!"

"Um, actually..."

Aria switched her face cam on, revealing her perched upon Wilbur, who was now hugging her tightly.

"Oh my god! You're so pretty!" Tubbo gushed.


The chat was going insane.

He kissed her cheek lightly, smiling at the camera. She giggled, truly happy.


After a few blissful days, it was time. Time to leave.

Aria's flight was first. She felt the tears start as soon as boarding was announced.

Hugging George and Alex, then Sapnap and a tearful Karl goodbye, she turned to Techno.

"Thank you for everything, Techno..." she mumbled.

He let out a laugh. "Stop crying, you baby! You'll see me soon!"

She sniffled, pulling away and turning to Clay. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I led you on, and I hope you can forgive me..." she whispered, her voice shaking.

He hugged her tighter. "It was never meant to be..."

"Pretty sure that's Eret's line..." she said with a giggle.

"Goodbye Aria."

"Goodbye, Clay."

She turned to Wilbur. This one is going to be the hardest.

He just held her whilst she sobbed into his arms. He thumbed away her tears.

"Don't cry, luv. I'll facetime you as soon as you land."

Final call for flight to Sydney, Australia

She kissed him hard on the lips and pulled away.

"I love you" she whispered.

"I love you too."

A/N - Hey guys! The time has come for the story to end! The next chapter will be the last! It's been a pretty crazy journey, and thank you for all the constant support! 

I feel like this ended kinda abruptly, so I'm sorry for that, but I hope you enjoyed!

I love you all so much! <3

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