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They came in through the door, drenched with seawater, laughing so hard that Techno was wheezing and Aria at tears rolling down her face.

"Welcome back, lovebirds!" Alex screamed.

"Techno and I have decided to be just friends. Strictly friends." Aria smiled at him.

"Yep. Friends." Techno forced himself to say. He watched Clay and Wilbur glance at each other, eyebrows raised. They were both leaning against the marble kitchen counter.

She laughed and gave him a hug.

"That was fun! Alright, I'm gonna go get changed." Aria skipped off to Clay's room.

She slipped out of her dress, into sweatpants and a tank top. She was pulling her wet hair back into a ponytail when her phone rang.

She looked over to her phone, seeing Layla's name flash on the screen.

She hadn't spoken to her roommate in what felt like ages! 

The brunette's face took up the entire screen. "ARIA! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH"

"LAYLA! HOW ARE YOU?" Aria set her phone down on Clay's desk so she could finish putting her hair up.

"I'm good! Wait, where are you? Is that your room?" 

Clay's bed was in the back of her frame.

Aria looked around, for a way to dodge the question. "Um kinda, yeah! It's actually Clay's room..."

Layla's eyes grew wide. "You're sleeping in DREAM'S ROOM?! Where is he staying? With Sapnap or George?" Her smile grew wider.

Aria bit her lip. "He is... staying with me..." she mumbled.

Layla's eyebrows furrowed. "You're kidding. No, like don't mess with me."

Aria averted her gaze. "I wish I was kidding..."

"HOLY SHIT ARIA" Layla shouted.

"Yup," Aria replied meekly.

Layla just stared at her with her mouth hanging open.

Aria sighed. "Layla, it's not a big deal!"

"You like him, don't you?" She began to grin

Aria rolled her eyes, chuckling lightly. "I mean, yeah..."

"Has anything happened between you two?"

Aria smile grew bigger. "Other than the fact that I sleep in his arms every night, no..."

Layla shook her head in disbelief. "You need to tell me what you have been up to!"

"I went on a date with Wilbur - we had a picnic and he sang me a song that I'm pretty sure was about me..." she grinned.

"And then?" Layla asked eagerly.

She sighed. "And then he kissed me on the doorstep before we went in..."

Layla bit her lip to hide a smile. "You're really into him too, aren't you?"

"God, yeah. I went out with Techno today, but we agreed as friends, which was actually really nice..."

"Ok, that's good!" Layla nodded

"So that's pretty much everything that's happened. And the entire world thinks I'm an evil human being who is dating both of them and leading them on... So there's that too." Aria rolled her eyes.

Layla shook her head incredulously. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I streamed with Alex, and he mentioned the fact that I was staying in Clay's room, and then Wil came in and hugged me, so everyone immediately assumed..." she trailed off.

"I'm so sorry! Well, not everyone in the world thinks that!" Layla said with a smile.

"Thanks Layla, I miss you by the way" She sighed.

There was a soft knock at the door.

"Come in!"

Clay walked in, smiling. "Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt - are you on a call?"

"I am, but she would absolutely love to meet you..." She turned back to Layla, flashing her a grin.

He came up behind her, hugging her and resting his head on her shoulder.

"Layla, I'd like you to meet Clay. Clay, I'd like you to meet my roommate, Layla." Aria smirked.

Layla's jaw dropped.

"Hi Layla, I hope you don't mind, but I've seemed to have stolen your roomie, as she is now staying with me," he said with a light laugh

"You're Dream? You are so fucking attractive!" she blurted out.

"That's what I said!" Aria giggled.

He nestled his head closer into her shoulder, so that their cheeks were touching. She could feel his warm up at the compliment. She held back a small smile.

Layla could barely contain herself. "You guys are actually adorable... Ok, I have to go, I'll talk to you later Aria! Nice meeting you, Clay!" She waved and disconnected from the call.

"So, what are you doing in here?"

"I mean, it is my room," she punched him lightly, "but I wanted to ask you what time you wanted to have dinner?"

"I'm down for whatever time you are! When do the boys want food?"

"Probably around 6?" 

"Sounds great to me!"

"Alright, I'll see you down there..."



They ate the pizza Clay had made for them all, and after a few hours, Aria headed upstairs to get to bed. Apparently Clay had the same idea.

She went to grab some pajamas, quickly realising that she had loaded them into the wash.

"You can borrow a pair of my sweatpants if you'd like?" He saw her ferreting around in her suitcase.

"That would be great actually!" she answered.

She could hear the faint pitter patter of rain on the roof.

He jumped into the bed, throwing the covers over him. "Come on" he opened his arms.

She laughed, shaking her head. 

Aria turned off the light and slid in next to him, snuggling in close.

Her eyes fluttered shut.


She woke to Clay shaking her slightly.

"What time is it?" she groaned.

She could see him grinning even through the darkness. "Don't worry about that, get up. We're going on a date!"

Someday Soon (A MCYT STORY)Where stories live. Discover now