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"Do you want your own room, Ri?"

All of them were sitting around the loungeroom. Karl and Sapnap on the loveseat, George laying on the floor, Wil sitting on the coffee table. Aria was lying on the couch, head in Alex's lap, whilst Clay and Techno sat in the other lounge. 

"No, no. That's too much to ask, I'll happily share!" Aria replied.

Before Wil and Techno could butt in, Clay quickly asked "Wanna stay with me?"

Aria was shocked for a minute. "Um, ok, sure!" A blush rose to her cheeks. Sapnap's eyebrows rose, and George went to argue but thought better of it.

Wil sighed. "Guess, I'm rooming with Techno then. But Ari, are we still on for that date?"

Techno gasped in surprise. "Your what?"

"I'm going to take your suitcase up to my room now, Ri," Clay said, his tone laced with a hint of annoyance.

"Sure, Wil, when did you wanna go?" She tried to pass it off as no big deal, but she could feel the butterflies in her stomach.


"Sounds good to me!"

"Ok, why don't we sit down for dinner now?" Alex quickly interrupted, sensing Techno's discomfort.

"I'll go get Clay," George mumbled.


The rest of dinner went smoothly. Relatively smoothly... As smooth as it can go when two of the boys she had feelings for were in a bad mood, and the third was beaming like nothing ever bothered him.

They watched a movie before deciding it was time to go to bed. Aria said night to everyone and headed up to Clay's bedroom. She hadn't actually been inside yet.

She glanced at the bookshelves, lined with novels that she had read multiple times. She could tell which ones were his favourite because a stack sat on his bedside table. Percy Jackson... interesting...

The desk near his window was cluttered but still orderly... an organised mess, perhaps.

His sweatshirts and hoodies were hanging off the back of his door, and a Dream mask hung on a wall.

She kept looking around until she noticed something. There was only one bed.

"You take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." Clay had walked in, noticing where she was looking.

"I can't let you do that, it's your room! You take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor!"

"You're my guest. Come on, we can share. The bed's big enough."

"Um, ok. If your sure?"

"It will be like we're falling asleep together on facetime..."

She grabbed her pajamas and her toiletry bag and went into the bathroom.

As she came back out, Clay was standing their in his boxers, without a shirt on.

She flushed. "I'll turn around."

"Do you mind if I sleep like this? I'll put a shirt on if you prefer?"

"I don't mind, sleep in whatever's comfortable."

Her eyes scanned his body. Perfectly sculpted abs, toned arms. Her eyes tracked downwards...

Clay cleared his throat. "Quit checking me out!" he said jokingly.

Her cheeks grew a deeper shade of scarlet.

She jumped on the bed, tucking herself under the covers.

It's just like a sleepover, she told herself. Only I'm sleeping next to a really attractive guy.

He got in on the other side and turned his head to face her.

His eyes were far more beautiful in person.

"Good night, Ri. Sweet dreams." He said in a hushed tone.

"Good night Clay, sleep well," she whispered.

Before she turned the bedside lamp off, she glanced at her phone.

Wil - 2 new messages

Techno - 4 new messages


Can't wait for our date tomorrow!

Ice cream, ok?

sounds great

I'm excited! :)

Good night, luv <3

good night Wil <3


Hey Princess :)

I know you're going out with Wilbur

And I was going to ask you when I saw you

Will you go on a date with me?

princess? kinda like it!

Only makes sense if I'm your 

pig in shining armour ;)

i would love to go out with you!

I'm planning something epic...

can't wait! night night, Techno ;)

Night night, Princess ;) 

Her heart fluttered as she placed her phone down. How did she get so lucky?

She glanced back over at Clay, who had his eyes closed, and she placed her head down on the pillow.

She could feel his arms wrap around her, and pull her closer towards him.

She snuggled in and at once felt at home.

A/N - We hit 200 reads! Thanks so much guys! The support here and on my Tiktok has been amazing!

More to come tomorrow, but I hope you enjoy! Don't worry, Techno fans, something special is coming soon!

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