Chapter 7- Panic!

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Three weeks passed by in a blur leaving Eli in the middle of August, school just a little over a week away. With Eli training every day from 11-5pm and doing some additional studying while at home, he hadn't had much time to explore off campus, all he's heard is that there's a pretty big town a couple minutes walk away from the Academy.

Eli hadn't seen Javier since the first day he started practicing to use his magic, a little worried thinking that he rehashed an old wound with that conversation, Eli had a little difficulty sleeping, though that wasn't the only reason, he couldn't help but think about his life before and if there was anyone looking for him, if there was anyone who loved him out there thinking the worst.

Despite three weeks of training with his magical output he still fumbled a lot which was understandable, but no other huge accidents has occurred over the three week period.

He had begun practicing some spells at home too, with the help of some spell books he found in the library, nothing major, just some spells to unlock doors or to start a fire. Despite being both an evoker and abjurer, he tended to focus more on the Abjuration spells, mostly defending.

He just didn't feel comfortable using his evocation as he saw the damage that it could potentially cause.

Walking towards the training field now, a route he is now familiar with, he soaked in the singing of the many different types of birds and the beautiful display of flora, yes, a lot are green, but the colors ranged from red to even black, some plants sporting multiple colors, even up to five colors.

Once again he saw Mr. Donia standing in the field surrounded by an array of colours, however today his hair wasn't pulled back into a ponytail, it's flowing free, black silky webs dancing in the warm breeze.

He was the only person he'd really had conversation with over the period, seeing as his roommate left and the academy was so big, so he rarely ran into the other students that remained for the summer. Needless to say he'd grown quite fond of the teacher and his horrible jokes.

"Hello Eli. What type of noise does a witch's vehicle make?" Mr. Donia said a grin on his face, actually happy to see Eli once again, he too had become quite attached to this student. He enjoyed routine and that student had become apart of his routine.

"I have no idea." He said, already smiling at the horrible joke he knows is coming.

"Brrroom brrrooom." Eli laughed out loud, hating his sense of humor, for having enjoyed that awful joke.

"Follow up, what's brown and sticky?" Eli knew that answer however.

"A stick."

"Wrong, your wand." Mr. Donia said maintaining that wide grin, opening his palm for a sleek, long and smooth brown wand with a comfortable looking handle to appear.

"I thought you said we didn't use wands?"

"This is a special wand that will help you cast your spell with the appropriate amount of magicules, it's basically a limiter to put it simply."

Smiling Eli retrieved the wand and gripped. It was a perfect fit.

"Thanks Mr. D"

"Let's test it out shall we?"

Eli focused, feeling the warmth in the pit of his stomach, he imagined it flowing through his body, to his hand, wanting to create a gust of wind, he pointed the wand outwards and envisioned the wind leaving the tip of the wand. A relatively strong gust of wind was expelled, but nothing that could seriously injure someone if caught by the blast.

"Very well, now let's spar a bit seeing as you can't blow off another one of my fingers." Eli flushed, remembering Mr. Donia telling him that particular story.

"Mr. D, there's one thing I've been wondering, why are the classes mainly focused on fighting?"

Mr. Donia's smile dropped, his brows furrowing, instantly the atmosphere felt heavier.

"Our students need to be able to protect themselves. The world outside this Academy is not a welcoming place, sure, there are a few places that seem safe, but no one's ever really safe, since the disappearance of the royal family."

Again with this family, what's the story? And why would people need some stuck up royals around to maintain peace, surely they should have their morals and consciences to help guide them no? Eli's mind was tormented as he couldn't understand those people and their way of thinking.

"What exactly happened Mr. D" he said dropping his hands to his side, an ache formed in his heart just thinking of all the innocent people that this disappearance had affected.

"I'm not entirely sure Eli, no one is, it was May 2, 2002. Apparently there was some sort of siege on the castle grounds and it was burnt to the ground, normally we'd think they were all dead, but, funny thing is, no remains were found. So we can't exactly say they're dead, especially seeing as the Queen was the strongest living witch in that time, it's hard to think just anyone could kill someone who holds that much power."

Instantly thinking this sounds way too familiar, he realized that, it was basically what had happened to his home, the only difference is that Eli remained.

"But that's-"

"Almost identical to what happened to your home in the Mundane Realm, however you weren't taken anywhere, so I assume that it's just a coincidence of some sort."

"But what are the chances! Wait, you said that the bodies were never found right? What if I was living with my family! What if I had a Mom and a Dad! What if my family's bodies were taken? What if-" Eli began breaking down, not quite crying but the stress getting to him the thinking of what could have happened sending him into a spiral of negative thoughts, bringing him to his knees.

His breathing sped up and he was panting heavily for air, he looked up to see Mr. Donia's lips moving but he can't hear a word, it was all muffled, his heart felt as if it were about to explode and his muscles started to feel like jelly.

Then he heard a voice in his head. Breath. In. Out. In. Out.

Following his instruction, he sucked in a deep breath, feeling as if he was underwater and was beginning to drown. He continued breathing steadily and the panic dissipated mostly.

His body felt as if he's been ran over by a truck with spiked wheels so he just let's himself fall back unto the field sucking in big gulps of air. He couldn't control himself, his tears flowed. He closed his eyes tight and he felt the hot liquid run down his face and starts sobbing.

Mr. Donia had never been placed in a situation like this before stands there awkwardly at first. Then he approached Eli, sitting down and took him into his arms. It did provide comfort to the crying teen, but it also made the sobbing worst when the teen thought to himself.

I wonder who used to hold me like this when I used to cry.

After some time, his sobs turned into sniffles and then he fell asleep. Mr. Donia couldn't help but smile at his sleeping figure. He had grown to care for the boy more than he'd ever admit. He got up, teleporting to his dorm and laying him on the sofa, respecting his privacy enough to not enter his room without his permission.

He saw a blanket in the sofa and covered him up, looking down at his student, a smile graced his lips, it left as he spoke in a much colder voice.

"Did you find it?"

Magia: Eli's Awakening (BxB)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin