Chapter 28- Happiness is a State

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Exams were coming up in a week. They were divided into two segments, theory and practical.
The theory, would be an exam paper where students are expected to be able to apply practical knowledge of magic to solve theoretical problems. While the practical would be a physical examination were the students would compete in competitive sparring in the form of a tournament.
The group had spent the past two weeks studying for the theory, all of them feeling pretty certain that there will be no issue there. Eli hadn't been quite himself since his memories returned, he didn't smile as often or participate in conversations as much.
They knew this and they were okay with it, allowing him to take the time he needed to heal. Eli and Javier hadn't gotten intimate again and there was always an air of awkwardness around them whenever it was just the two of them.
"Can we take a break?"

Akira groaned, throwing her body back on the floor grumbling something about needing new friends. "This is so boring, let's do something fun."
"Not failing is fun."
"C'mon Elana, we've been studying for four hours." Elana glanced at the clock in the living room seeing that it was five in the evening. "No."
"Can we atleast get something to eat?" Before Elana could reply everyone else got up quickly not giving her a chance to say no.
They shuffled outside quickly, chuckling amongst themselves at the annoyed face Elana was sporting.
"We even have food in the dorms, you guys just don't want to study." She said just realizing this was an excuse to ditch their study session.
"I'm not denying that." Javier said smirking over at Elana.
"You shut up. You always end up at the top whether you study or not."
He shrugged, not denying it. Ethan started distracting Elana with Eis, who was laying comfortably on his head, in an effort to get her mind of studying as he too was tired of glaring at a textbook for hours on end.
"Where are we going?"
Everyone nodded enthusiastically, even Elana at the thought of eating their curly fries. They teleported out into the town, appearing a couple blocks away from the restaurant.
Immediately the spices and sweet aromas assaulted their nose, the somewhat calming noise of the busy street infiltrated their ears. Venders were calling out to potential buyers and even some street performances with faes and leles were ongoing on the district.
The group quickly walked to the restaurant, which was aesthetically designed like the 80's restaurants in the mundane realm. The bell chimed when they enter and they were greeted warmly by a faerie who guided them all to a booth.
"And what would you six like?"
They glanced around and saw Aurum on the other side of Eli sitting in the corner and all their eyes widen.
"Aurum!" Eli whisper shouted, while the group pretended nothing was wrong and started their orders.
"Hungry too."
"You can't just pop out like that. It's dangerous."
"But nobody know Aurum is dra-"
Eli slapped his hand over his mouth while chuckling nervously as the waitress shot him a perturbed look.
Eli told her an order to get her to leave which she did while skeptically glancing at Aurum and Eli as she walked to the back. The entire group now refocused on Aurum and Eli wondering just when the hell he came out or if he had been seen.
"Wasn't the point of the whole bondy-thing to hide and protect him?"
"Well, I mean, he's not at the Academy and the only thing 'unnatural' about him would probably be his fangs because there aren't any vampires here, so it's not something really bizarre." Javier said while resting his head on the table, staring up at Eli's charcoal eyes, his night sky.
"It's still not safe for him though."
"Well, Javi has a point, as long as we don't say the D-word, we should be in the clear if he doesn't smile much."
Eli looked back at Aurum, seeing the boy watch a dwarf putting a bronze piece into the jukebox who then got upset and flipped it off when he realized the thing was broken.
He sighed, he couldn't keep Aurum sheltered away forever. He needed to allow him to experience the world around him, but how?
"It's okay, he'll be fine."
The food arrived and they all dug into it like a pack of wolves, a couple other customers a bit unnerved, moved further from the boisterous group.
"Wow... well aren't you as sharp as a marble."
"Thank- wait! Javier you dick!"
"It's what you deserve Kira, how do you not prefer pineapple on pizza."
"It's absolutely disgusting."
"Wow, I think you have some brain damage."
"Oh shut up!" She said while rolling her eyes at Elena's teasing face.
The group had been there for about an hour now, after they had finished their first orders they all ordered smoothies, with Aurum and Eli getting the bana-choco smoothie that made even the waitress gag a bit.
He looked up and his eyes widen at the sight of Mr. Donia standing there with Ms. Tatiana at his side.
"Hey Mr. D."
"Who's that?" He said while looking back at Aurum who was busy slurping down his smoothie, ignoring the outside world, his only focus right then was food.
Eli froze, trying to think of something, anything except the truth but his mind remained blank.
"I'm babysitting my cousin." Akira spoke up quickly and confidently directing Mr. Donia's attention to her. He glanced back at Aurum and saw the boy smile after tasting his heavenly drink, he didn't miss the fang that protruded from his mouth.
"I see, well I'll see you all at school then." He took his leave with that Ms. Tatiana tailing behind him asking him to go get some ice-cream.
The group all released a sigh of relief and decided to call it a day at that. They signaled to the waitress and the bill was handled by the twins that day.
Everyone quickly slid out the both, leaving only Eli and Aurum sitting, Eli slid out first, taking Aurum's hand. He bumped into someone and muttered a small apology.
"Seems you not only lack talent but manners as well."
Eli turned around to meet the piercing blue eyes of Leo, glaring at him and he scoffed.
"Seems like not only are you sad but deaf as well." Leo's eyes twitched at the rebuttal but he made no movement towards Eli.
"Leo, let's go please." Eli looked to his side and was shocked to see Brenden Jones, pulling on the taller boy's sleeve.
Leo looked at him and his glare softened a bit. He removed his hand from his sleeve and gripped it in his and while walking away he said. "See ya in the exams, I'll be on top this year."
"Brenden and Leo... well shit."
"Can you go one day without expletives?"
"No, cause I know you like it when I talk dirty." The group laughed at Elana's reddening face as she started to chase Akira out the cafe yelling something about her perverted jokes.
Their world was peaceful right now, perhaps not perfect, but nothing was. There could be no good without evil and there could be no happiness without sadness. But right then, all that mattered in those moments was that they were all together genuinely smiling and enjoying themselves.
Happiness isn't a place or directive, it's a state and right then the group of friends were embodying those words as Elana grabbed Akira and sent them both tumbling to the floor, and the boys laughed at their antics.

Magia: Eli's Awakening (BxB)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن