Chapter 58- Kisses

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The on-campus library was stocked. The pristine white walls that encased the building, the golden bookshelves that hosted almost a millenia of knowledge, everything was exquisite.

It would serve as a safe haven for the book admirers in the realm. The temperature was constant, not too hot or too cold to preserve the books and they were stored vertically and had to be inspected every week.

The bookshelves were stacked with stories, history, life. The rise and fall of the kingdoms, the censuses, the tales of famous sorcerers and magical lore that would leave little children begging for more.

The group sat huddled around an open book that held all the monarchs to have ruled Gestia, the Lancastor family.

Zeke had his thumb in his mouth, assaulting his nail, as he watched Eli scrutinize the image of the queen, praying that she wasn't related to him, but he wasn't blind, they all could see the truth.

"It's not her."

Zeke felt his heart drop. It was true, the woman that Eli said raised him wasn't his mother. He didn't know how to feel, maybe he would have felt distraught if he had his memories but in that instance, all he felt was dread for he was most likely related to the monarchs.

Eli could see the similarities between the monarchs and his childhood friend. He had Beatrix Lancastor's eyes, his mother and Albion Lancastor, his father. He had an elder brother as well, Zeke had gotten his golden locks from his father while his brother retained his mother's brunette colour, however they both had their mother's eyes.

His brother, Prince Aldion, was about six when the picture was taken. Zeke had yet to be born, the pregnancy wasn't announced until she was in her third trimester.

"You really are-"

"Shut up." Zeke sneered. He didn't want to hear it, not yet. He needed to come to terms with this by himself, he quickly teleported from the group making them all fumble around for him.

"Damnit!" Javier hissed. He couldn't let Zeke go, the Rodriguez and the Lancastor families had been the ones that worked together to unify the country. The Rodriguez head of the Magic Council and the Lancastors head of the country.

"Where's Ethan?" It was Eli that had asked, just now realizing the brooding teen was nowhere to be seen.

"He went with him." Javier breathed out a sigh, he could trust Ethan to keep Zeke in his sights.

He felt a warm hand slide across his back and he turned around to see Eli looking up at him, a sympathetic smile on his face. He hated it. Eli had been treating him as if he were fragile ever since his 'breakdown' and he hated it.

He would show him just how wrong he was, he was not fragile. He pulled the boy to his chest and quickly captured his smooth lips on his. Eli moaned a bit at first, surprised, but he soon fell in line with Javier and moved his lips against his sensually, intending to show him just how much he cared.

Javier tightened his grip, feeling Eli mold against his taut muscles and Eli gasped giving Javier the chance to slip his tongue inside, roaming and tasting Eli's very essence. Javier pulled away with a groan and rested his forehead against Eli's as a smile played on their lips, their chests heaving.

"Well that was-"

Eli spun around when he heard a squeak and saw a girl watching them, her red face. He felt the heat travel up his as well and turned around hiding his face in Javier's chest who chuckled lightly, the tip of his ears slightly red.

The girl scurried out of the library, no doubt that scene would forever be embedded into her memory and Javier laughed when Eli punched his chest lightly.

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