Chapter 31- Round 1

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They were currently in the stadium floating 2000 meters above the Academy. It was built like a disc shape with four layers, each layer holding a huge field on which the different groups would reside.

The stadium was also a shimmering white which tended to blind the civilians on the island whenever it was time for the tournaments as it was normally stored off the island, underwater.

The civilians would be invited to watch the final four battle for the top spot, some students even had fans.

"The matches will begin in 30 minutes."

Eli was getting ready currently in the changing rooms of C-floor, he had been preparing himself and training rigorously for months. There wasn't a spec of anxiety to be found in his head.

He was never really an anxious person to begin with, being such a quick learner since he was a baby led to him collecting multiple awards and scholarships. He was almost always in front a crowd, whether for academics or becoming an ace sports player in under six months. He was the definition of facile, and he was going to prove that today.

"Good to see you calm."

And there he was, standing by the opposing locker his hair not messily styled but now gelled back, wearing his uniform, Eli's light who was helping him keep all the pieces together. If it were not for him Eli probably wouldn't be able to function like how he is right now.

"Good to see you." He said flashing a smirk at the taller boy, making a faint blush paint his cheeks. Javier wanted to take him into his arms and cuddle him to death. There was nothing cuter than a confident Eli to him, but no one knew about their relationship yet.

Eli had no problem being announced to the school but Javier said that he wanted to wait a bit and Eli agreed to give him time.

"Be careful, Leo isn't a pushover."

"Neither am I, plus I have a plan, you should worry about yourself."

"I'll be fine."

"All students to the arenas." Ms. Tatiana said over the intercom.

"I guess it's time, good luck mijo."

"Good luck."

Despite the cue to leave, they stood there, both not ready to leave each other's presence. Javier glanced around the room making sure they were indeed alone and leaned in giving Eli a quick chaste kiss before turning tail and scurrying out the room.

Eli laughed to himself, thinking of how goofy the taller boy could be at times and made his way to the arena. He could feel Aurum's excitement, he wasn't entirely sure why he was excited but it got him even more hyped up.

The sides to the arena were a see-through glass that allowed the light access to the each floor. The rectangular field was divided into 5 parts by barriers where a circle laid inside it, where the battles would take place. There were stands that would be occupied by the students waiting there turn in the tournament or those who wanted to cheer on a friend whether in another year group or not.

The rules were posted above the field on a multiple monitors which would be swapped out for the live feeds when the fighting commences.

Familiars and pets were allowed to help their mages. There should be no maiming any student, no killing went without saying as well. Three clean hits ended the match or if your opponent was rendered unconscious. Leaving the ring counted as a clean hit.

"Elijah King and Leopold Montgomery, Barrier B."

Eli walked over the the second barrier and it opened up allowing him to step inside. Leo was already inside smirking, he'd been waiting for this day since the lunch incident that no one but him remembered.

Eli walked up to the circle that was about twenty meters in diameter throwing out his arm, loosening up his muscles in preparation for the strain they were about to go through.

"It's so sad to lose on the very first round."

Eli didn't acknowledge him but focused on his warm up now stretching his legs. The referee stood on the side of the field, overseeing all five matches at once and it was Ms. Ileana, Eli's Evocation teacher.

"Whenever you're ready boys."

They all went to their allotted space, standing ten meters away. Eli took out his wand in preparation and the students watching him snickered while Leo snorted.

"I forgot you needed a stick to get it up."

Still no response came from Eli, he was in his zone and all that was on his mind was winning this thing, his competitiveness really coming out for the first time since he arrived here.

He'd never minded losing before because he never knew who he was and the pride that came with his name King. He had never wanted anything more than to make his family proud, and winning seemed to be a step in the right direction.

Ms. Ileana gave the signal by raising and dropping her hand and Eli shot off releasing gusts of winds from his feet to increase his speed.

He dashed towards Leo, and swung out his foot sending it right into Leo's face. The image shimmered and Eli realized that it was an illusion and based on the fact that he didn't see the real Leo means that the entire circle was enveloped with his spell.

"Missed me." Eli turned, flicking his wand sending a bolt of lightning in the direction but it continued on to hit the barrier.

"I'm an illusionist, even the sounds you hear I manipulate." Eli tried attacking the area where the sound came from but it was futile.

"All your sense are now under my control."

A blast of fire seemingly came out of no where headed straight for Eli and he quickly created a shield to block it but the blast continued passing straight through the shield and Eli leaving him temporarily confused.

A chill crept up his back and he quickly turned around throwing up a barrier in time to block a blast that he couldn't even see.

"I'd think someone who boasts as much as you would fight head on." Eli jeered.

"You thought wrong, I'm not stupid."

Another chill made Eli quickly create another barrier blocking another unseen object.

I can't continue like this, change of plans.

It was too dangerous for him to move around carelessly so he stayed rooted in his spot. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, as he began to release his breath, he steadily released the magicules from his body into his surroundings.

Mr. Donia was sitting in the bleachers, he made a prefect referee the matches on B floor to watch this one. A look of shock painted his face and a genuine grin broke out on his face when he realized what Eli is doing.

The magicules flowed outside of Eli's body steadily. He maintained control of the magicules forming a sphere spanning three meters around his body. To the untrained eye, Eli was just standing there with his eyes closed, but to the trained they could faintly see the thin outline of the magicule bubble around him.

Leo sent another fire blast masking it with his spell straight towards Eli. As soon as the blast penetrated the spell Eli moved out of it's trajectory and countered with a lightning bolt.

The bolt barely grazed Leo, his illusion spell faltering making him visible to Eli. Eli attacked quickly with his boosted speed and threw out his leg for an attack which was blocked by Leo's arm.

Eli spun around pointing his wand right at him ready to blast him at point blank range when Leo sent a small bolt of electricity hitting the wand, successfully disarming Eli, or so he thought.

Eli smirked, and threw out his other arm creating a concentrated water bullet that hits Leo point blank range in his chest sending him flying out of the ring, hitting the solid barrier.

"Just becuase I don't look like I can attack means that I can't."

The first hit went to Eli. The crowd was stunned into silence, Javier just landing his third hit on Kelly staring at Eli in awe with a big dumb grin on his face.

One down, two to go.

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