Chapter 41- Smooth Sailing

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The moon shone brightly in the night sky. It appears they may have been off with their estimated arrival as they've been on the boat for two hours now and there was no sign of land ahead.

The boat was filled with silence that was the complete opposite of what filled the minds of the boys.

Eli was thinking about all the banshee had said and he couldn't wrap his head around most of it or rather, he could, but just couldn't process what he was feeling as of now.

With the loss of Aurum, forgetting his family, finding Zeke and now finding out that they were murdered and Zeke was being manipulated by the very person who had destroy their lives. Eli just couldn't process it all. In its stead, he just focused on the one feeling that had been constant throughout the last few days, numbness.

He was cold, but too numb to try and warm up, he just accepted everything for what it was, he was done with this constant building of crap in his life.

I'm tired.

The ride was going smoothly despite it taking a bit longer than they had anticipated. The goblin barely even looked back at them and focused on getting to Gestia so it could make another two pieces on the way back.

Eli was back on the swim platform, the colourful nyphms long gone, now staring at the reflection of the stars in the black water. He squinted swearing he saw something red flash by in the water.

A few seconds later a pair of red eyes was locked with his. He didn't feel the need to alert anyone due to everything else he'd seen had been friendly this far.

Before he could even finish his though process of trying to decipher what it was, it shot out of the water flying straight towards his face with a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth.

He ducked back quickly and yelped but the fish, piranha thing had gotten a hold of his collar and it was now detached from the rest of his black uniform.


The boy who was taking a quick nap got up a bit too quickly his head hitting on the hardtop and muttering some curse words at whoever designed this boat for people under six feet.


"What the hell is this?"

Ethan walks over and sees the red eye fish flopping around. He pauses, paling a bit when he realizes what it is.

"Eli, get ready to attack."

"Piranha? They're scavengers, I'm quite su-"

Another fish lounged out of the sea, it's mouth wide open almost taking off Eli's hand.

"Jesus what the hell is this?"

"They're serracentri, basically really irritable super piranha that won't hesitate to take off a limb if you look at one wrong."

Eli went to say something but yelped as another one kept out of the water almost taking off his leg this time. He throws out a bolt at another that had followed suit of his earlier companion and it hits, frying it to a crisp.

The hundreds serrancentri in the sea witnessed this and in a rage their red eyes glowed, illuminating the dark waters. Hundreds of them rose from their homes in the sea and lounged at the vessel.

Ethan armed himself with his sycthes cutting down any one that got too close to the boat while Eli was shooting them down with bolts of electricity whenever one came into his range.

The serracentri under the boat started attacking the rudder and propellers making the boat vibrate and tilt over to the side, the edge skimming the sea water.

Eli jumps off the boat, with no hesitation, bloodlust just leaking from his body as he dived into the water. The serrancentri swarm him and he dispels a massive amount of electricity, creating a faint blue light and it successfully fries all of the incoming danger. All the glowing red eyes in the sea all disappeared instantly, allowing the sea to return to its darkness.

Ethan was on the boat, just finishing up the few that were on deck and defending the goblin captain who had gotten bitten on his leg by one of the fish.

"Got em."

Ethan morphed his sythes back into his bracelets and reattached them to his wrist as he looked back at Eli who was pulling himself out of the water.

"Good, I had no intention of becoming fish food."

The boat was stilling running, albeit a bit slower than before and Ethan gave the goblin two more pieces for the damage caused and it almost fainted right then and there. A couple minutes later and the land started to come into view.

Eli couldn't see much but he could make out the triangular shaped skyscrapers with the lights illuminating the darkness and radiating warmth on the cold night.. He felt a bit relieved that they would be out the cold winds of the sea and in the city where it was hopefully not as cold.

The boat arrived at the docks, where other sea vessels where currently anchored, some massive in size while some smaller than the on they currently occupied.

Ethan was the first off the boat, he wasn't one that enjoyed instability, and that's what the rocky waves brought him. They felt a little weird out about the from the switch from sea to land so they waited a bit to get there bearings.

Eli was staring off at the sea, the sun would soon finally rear it's head over the horizon, glittering the sea with an array of light rays and with the nymphs that danced under the water would create a rainbow effect.

"Eli... what the hell is that?" Eli felt Ethan's warm fingers touch his neck and he leans into the touch a bit, savoring the heat that was being generated from his massive body, desperate for a modicum of warmth.

"What's what?" Ethan tsked and gently let his fingers graze Eli's neck, releasing a little bit of his magicules that revealed a faint blue glowing  mark on the boy's neck.

"Shit. Javier."

"Wait, what?" Eli snapped his head around to look up at the taller boy, his expression becoming slightly panicked.

"He's tracking us. He knew."

He'd done all this to keep him out of it, he didn't want him to get hurt again on his behalf. Also, they could've left sooner without waiting so that was another plus. There was no doubt in Eli's mind that Javier was on his way right there at this very moment, and something about that excited him.

"Shit. Can you get it off?"

"No, it would take too much of my magic." Eli scrunched up his nose a little annoyed that Javier would go through such lengths to basically annoy him. "I get the whole protecting your boyfriend part, but you can't really make him not look out for you, he's just that kind of guy."

"Yea, the stubborn type."

"Said the pot to the kettle."

"Can we go back to not talking?" Ethan smirked and playfully roles his eyes, leading their way to the next destination.

Eli trailed behind him, the tugging sensation increasing ever so slightly. He was getting closer to Aurum, he just prayed the boy could hold on.

It's been almost five days since Aurum's kidnapping and while Eli knew where he was, he wasn't sure he'd get there in time. With every passing hour he could feel Aurum's pain intensify, the pain Aurum was feeling was non-stop. Just what exactly were they doing to the dragon?

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