Chapter 9- Guilt?

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The necklace dangled and clinked as Eli dived onto the ground taking cover from an incoming water blast. The blast went on to hit the barrier set up around the field for today's day of training.

"Get up Eli, you're an abjurer, you really don't have to dodge spells of that level." Mr. Donia said with a smirk etched onto his face.

"Sorry, instincts."

"I know that's why were training to give you a new set of instincts and habits for you to depend a little more on your magic and learn how to control your output."

"Yeah yeah, you've said that like three times now Mr. D are you a teacher or a broken record?"

Mr. Donia smiled at the taunt and raised his hand sending out a blast of water to Eli. He threw up his hands forming a circular white barrier to protect his frontal, completely neglecting the fact that he is facing a conjurer and a smart one a that.

A portal opened up before the blast landed on Eli's defense and appeared right behind his unprotected rear. Splashing him for the umpteenth time today, the force of it sending him to the ground.

Getting up, frustrated at that, he flashes his wand sending out a blast of fire at the teacher, who simply redirected the path with a portal to the barrier around them.

"Well... seems you've sizzled out, plus I said only water blasts to avoid serious injury."

"It's not like it would've hit you Mr. D, you're just too good."

"It's not that, you're using the magic as a manual weapon and not thinking of it as an extension of your body, you're manually tapping into your energy, that wastes precious time, which could be fatal in a serious fight."

"What am I supposed to do, it's not like I can just leave the tap on all the time- oh, is that what you do?"

Mr. Donia smiled putting on his glasses signaling the end of the training, and walked over to Eli.

"Yes, my magic is constantly running through my body just waiting to be used, how about you head home and practice?"

Eli smirked an idea forming in his head.

"How about we spar again, one more round, just water blasts this time, plus it's not like I'm a threat."

Mr. Donia laughed not believing the last part for a second, for someone who'd recently just started to practice magic, he's a prodigy.

"Very well, first to land a hit wins."

They both went to their positions, prepared to go at it, Mr. Donia gave the signal, and Eli immediately started running towards him, wand in hand already spreading the magicules throughout his body, feeling the warmth, like a comfy blanket but also feeling the weight of the power and what it can do.

He sprinted towards Mr. Donia and sent a water blast directly towards his head with precision aim, Mr. Donia responded by redirecting it behind Eli. Without even looking back Eli, created a his barrier behind, shielding the attack, determined not to fall for the same tactic twice.

He sent two more blasts and ran around to Mr. Donia's back, since training the man hadn't moved an inch whenever they were sparing, he sent another blast behind him and trailed behind it as well.

With the three blasts incoming Mr. Donia simply smiled. Quickly opening three portals and redirecting them behind Eli, who was running straight towards Mr. Donia's back.

Mr. Donia's smile fades as he realized his predicament, he could't move, Eli wins if Mr. Donia moves, that was his plan all along to get the teacher to move. The three blasts are incoming for both of them if he remained where he was, they'd both get soaked, if he moved then he'd lose the unspoken bet.

Choosing option C, he simply conjured a low level troll to cover his rear and keep the blasts and Eli at bay. Eli saw this and broke out a shit eating grin and moved out the path of the incoming blasts and the troll takes them all head on and dispersed back into magicules.

"That's no fair. We said just water blasts."
Eli said smiling, glad he forced the teacher to do something other than stand there and redirect his attacks.

"Life's not fair, and that's not a joke either." He said smiling dispelling the barrier, and picking up his tie that was being held captive by the blades of grass.

Eli shrugged, knowing very well that it really wasn't a joke based on the things that transpired in his life.

"Sir, you busy later?"

"No, not particularly, why?"

"Let's go eat dinner together then."

"What happened to Javier?" Mr Donia asked his lips curling downwards at the mention of the mage.

"He's being pretty weird, kinda giving me some bad juju vibes so I'd rather not be around him so much right now."

Which wasn't a lie, Javier was being odd, he didn't speak as much and if Eli didn't know better he'd say he was avoiding him, but that's highly unlikely after that "not a date" date they had earlier in the week.

"I see... well, I'll meet you in the dining area of the Academy at 8, I'll bring the food."

"Well I was thinking that you could eat in my dor-"

"I'll have you know that I am still your teacher and it wouldn't be a good sight for me to be dining with you in your dorm room." He said smiling and set off to his own room.

Eli flushed and mumbled out a yes sir and made his way back to the dorm room. Feeling a little anxious at seeing Javier. He snapped out of his thoughts and opened the door. Javier was there a manga comic in his hands, but that wasn't what grabbed Eli's attention.

Javier was shirtless, his large pectorals erect and firm, just begging to be touched, a hard set of abs just looking down right edible and the tiny hairs that led down to the gold mine disappearing into his black sweatpants.

"You don't have to drool y'know, there's plenty to go around." Eli snapped out of his gaze, a small blush creeping up his face.

"Like I'd drool over a hot body." Eli said and immediately regrets it when he realized what he said.

A smirk appeared on Javier's face, his blue eyes finally twinkling again. Eli relaxed at that, relieved to see the boy acting as he was before, but his curiosity got the best of him.

"Why were you being all broody for the past couple days?"

Javier instantly felt all the guilt return to his body, and his eyes lost that playful glint that Eli was growing very fond of.

"None of your business, get lost." He said, his tone cold and uncaring, a complete 180 from his previous behaviour. Eli was shocked at this, but knew it was kind of deserved for his prying.


After bathing and changing his clothes, he checks the time seeing 7:30 and decided to go out a little earlier than planned. Upon reaching the door Javier's voice stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

"None of your business but if you must know, I'm getting lost." With that he walked out and shut the door with a little more force than necessary, leaving Javier on the other side with his mouth agape.

I can't do this, not anymore. Javier thought to himself.

He went in his room, taking out the box under the bed where he kept the vials dedisca remedy that he mashed and brewed into a clear liquid, and tossed them down the drain. Hoping that the guilt went  down with it.

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