Chapter 26- Absolve

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"If you can help me get my memories back, I'll forgive you."

Javier stared at Eli as if he had grown a third head. This was not how he was expecting his morning to go.

"I don't-"

"Then that's that." He began to walk away but Javier grabs unto his hand. Eli's eyes flashed blue for a split second, he looked back and shot him a death glare.

"I'll... try." Eli smiled at that, shrugging Javier's hand off and walking away, leaving Javier really confused as to what happened last night.

A searing pain erupted on Javier's palm that gripped Eli causing him to hiss in pain. He reached out and attempted to open it, feeling the flesh stick together as a result of being burnt. The word 'Tonight' was sloppily seared into his hand.

Changing his course from his Enchanment classes, he made his way towards the infirmary. He turned the corridor and saw Mr. Spear and Leo talking with hushed voices about something.

They both heard his footsteps and looked up to meet Javier's questioning gaze. Leo huffed and walked pass Javier bumping into him with his smaller frame, while Mr. Spear just raised a quizzical brow while sniffing the air loudly.

"Is that chicken?" He said looking at Javier's hand smirking.

The boy pushed past the older man and went into the infirmary trying not to say something he may have regreted.

The day went by quickly for Eli, he was swimming in his thoughts throughout the entire day, normally at this time he'd be preparing to go train with Mr. D and he was certain that Mr. D is there waiting for him too. He gritted his teeth at that annoyed, but decided to go anyways.

He teleported to the field, the place where he'd spent most of his time at this Academy with the man who was like a father to him.

He saw Mr. Donia standing in the middle eyes trained on him, his hair loose and flowing in the wind his attire lax, as if he were attempting to melt into the wind.

Eli never realized it before, but now that he looked a bit closer due to his glaring he could see the sadness hiding in his green eyes, despite him always wearing a smile, it rarely ever reached his eyes.

"I wasn't sure you'd come today."

Eli said nothing at that but started walking over to the teacher. The walk sped up slowly into a jog and then a sprint, his rage fueling his motion and force. Mr. Donia sighed at this but put his guard up ready to begin practice.

Eli threw out his hand, foregoing the wand, sending a bolt of lightning straight ahead to Mr. D who redirected it towards the sky with a portal. Eli ran closer deciding to take him on in close quarters combat. He threw a punch towards the taller's face which was quickly blocked and he was sent backwards with a foot to the gut.

Gritting his teeth, he ran out again, and threw a kick, which was caught yet again and his other foot got swiped away from the ground and Mr. Donia successfully pinned him to the ground.

"Get off me!"


Eli felt his rage peak, he started struggling even more against the hold on him but couldn't break free.

"Do you really think I did this to hurt you?"

"Shut up!"

"Eli, I never wanted to hurt you, I tried to keep you safe."

"I never asked for your protection! You stole my life from me!"

"In order to help you! You were in no state to tackle that emotional burden. I didn't just get up and decide to take away your memories. You couldn't handle it Eli! You asked me to help you!"

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